Promocijas padome

Promocija ir zinātniska darba aizstāvēšana, kuras rezultātā tiek piešķirts zinātnes doktora grāds, zinātnes doktors (-e) (Ph. D.) zinātnes nozaru grupā,  ievērojot Ministra kabineta 2022. gada 27. septembra noteikumus Nr. 595  Noteikumus par Latvijas zinātnes nozaru grupām, zinātnes nozarēm un apakšnozarēm.

Promocijas padome ir koleģiāla zinātnieku institūcija, kurai ir tiesības veikt promociju zinātnes nozarē, kurā TSI ir akreditētas doktora studiju programmas atbilstīgi Ministru kabineta noteikumiem Nr.1000 “Noteikumi par doktora zinātniskā grāda piešķiršanas (promocijas) tiesību deleģēšanu augstskolām”. Transporta un sakaru institūtam ir deleģētas promocijas tiesības būvniecības un transporta inženierzinātnes nozarē, apakšnozare telemātika un loģistika.

Pēc promocijas darba aizstāvēšanas TSI promocijas padomē tiek piešķirts zinātniskais doktora grāds zinātnes doktors (Ph.D.) inženierzinātnēs un tehnoloģijās

Padomes priekšsēdētājs

Valsts emeritētais zinātnieks, profesors 

Dr. sc. ing., Dr. habil. sc. ing.
Igors Kabaškins
Inženierzinātņu fakultāte
Igor Kabaskin

Academic degree and current position in TSI: Professor,, leading researcher of the Engineering Faculty, Director of PhD Programme “Telematics and Logistics”.

Previous Experience: Founder and President of Transport and Telecommunication Institute for over 15 years, Vice-rector for Research and Development Affairs for more than 10 years

Membership: Member of the Joint OECD/ITF Transport Research Committee (OECD – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, ITF – International Transport Forum), Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Corresponding Member of Latvian Academy of Science, President of Latvian Transport Development and Education Association, President of Latvian Operations Research Society, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal “Transport and Telecommunication”, Member of the board of the Journals “Transport”, “Technological and Economic Development”, “Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering” etc.

Academic experience: Author of more than 600 academic and research publications, author of 68 patents. Expert of the Latvian Council of Science in Civil and Transport Engineering, Chairman of promotion council for PhD degree in Civil and Transport Engineering, Chairman of Professor Council in Telematics and Logistics.

Teaching at post- and graduate level: 45 years of pedagogical experience in university; courses: Research Methodology (PhD programme); New Trends of Telematics and Logistics Development (PhD programme), Research Methodology (MSc programme), Theory of Systems and System Analysis (MSc programme), Transport Policy (MSc programme), Intelligent Transport Systems (MSc programme), Reliability Engineering (BSc programme) etc.

Participation in projects: has participated in 37 international projects (in 26 projects as national coordinator of the projects) and 26 Latvian research projects and programs (in 23 as head of the projects) within the frame of COST Activities, Horizon 2020, Framework Programs, INTERREG etc. 

Research Interests: Transport Telematics and Logistics, Smart Cities, Analysis and Modelling of Transport Systems, Intelligent Transport Systems, Reliability of Electronics Systems, Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, Information Technology Applications, Electronics and Telecommunication, Decision Support Systems, Avionics, Air Traffic Control Systems and others.

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses: Supervisor of 9 PhD theses and more than 200 Master and Bachelor theses.

Awards: 2 Gold and 5 Silver Medals of International Research and Innovation Exhibition of Innovators (1985-1990); Honorary title “Latvian Honored Inventor”, Latvian Parliament (1989); Award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology, USA (1998); Award and memorial medal for outstanding research in computer science and informatics,  Latvian Academy of Sciences (2001); Award and memorial medal for outstanding performance of research in air navigation, communication and radar technology, Latvian Academy of Sciences (2002); Certificate of Recognition as a significant contribution to the research and educational work in the transport, logistics and information technology, as well as on the international success in science, Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia (2014); Certificate of Honor of the Latvian Academy of Sciences for research in the field of transport and logistics (2019).

Padomes priekšsēdētāja vietniece


Dr. sc. ing.
Irina Jackiva
Inženierzinātņu fakultāte
Irina Yatskiv
+371 67100665

Academic degree and current position in TSI: professor, leading researcher of the Engineering Faculty, Director of MSc Program “Transport and Logistics”

Previous experience: more than 10 years was Vice-rector for Research and Development, Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI), founder of the Laboratory of Applied Systems and chair of Mathematical Methods and Modelling Department in TSI

Membership: From 01.2017 member of ECTRI Board and from 2019 – vice-president of ECTRI; an external scientific expert in Association of Paneuropa Coach Terminals from 2009; has been chair or member of the organizing and the programme committees of the International Conference on Applied Statistics (6 events), Transportation Research (15 events), Complex Systems (4 events), etc. and reviewer in transportation journals and conference proceedings. Member of Editorial Board of Journals: Transport (WoS, SCOPUS); Maintenance and Reliability (SCOPUS), Transport and Telecommunication (WoS, SCOPUS), etc. Guest redactor of Volumes of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems and Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure in Springer; Procedia Engineering published by Elsevier etc.

Academic experience: Author more than 170 publications, incl. 9 books and textbooks, chapters in the books “From Transit Systems to Models: Purpose of Modelling” in book: “Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems” (Springer Verlag, 2016), “3D City Models and urban information: Current issues and perspectives” (edpsciences, 2014), papers in International Journal of Transport, Transport and Telecommunication, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, etc. Guest redactor of Volumes of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems and Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure in Springer; Procedia Engineering published by Elsevier etc. An Expert in Transport and Logistics (2008-2021) and Civil Engineering (from 2021) at the Latvian Council for Science; member of the PhD promotion committee

Teaching at post- and graduate levels: Data Analysis (PhD in Business Management, RSEBAA-BA); Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Transport Modelling, Scientific Seminar (Dr. Ing. in Telematics and Logistics, TSI); Data Mining (MSc in Computers Science, MIS, TSI); Research Seminar; Methods of Data Analysis and Business Forecasting (MSc in Transport and Logistics, TSI); etc.

Participation in projects: as leading researcher has participated in more than 20 European and Latvian research projects and more than 14 national transportation studies, and was scientific coordinator in 8 of them. Is/was national representative and management committee member of COST Actions CA16222 (WISE-ACT), TU1306 (CYBERPARKS), TU1004, TU0903, TU0804 and TU0801. Has great experience in coordinating different kind of projects in frame of Horizon 2020, FP, INTERREG, BSR programmes, she was coordinator of Horizon 2020 project “Enhancing excellence and innovation capacity in sustainable transport interchanges” (ALLIANCE)

Research interest: Data analysis, data mining, statistical analysis, mathematical modelling and simulation with application in different fields (transportation sphere, business, economics, networks, logistics and others)

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses: Promoted 6 Doctoral, more than 90 Master theses and 70 Bachelor theses an official reviewer of 7 PhD theses

Awards: (2019) by Ministry of Education and Science; (2017, 2010, 2008) Latvian Education Funds; (2011, 2010, 2008) Riga Municipality

Padomes locekļi

Asoc. profesors 

Dr. sc. ing.
Iyad Alomar
Director of Aviation Engineering Program
Department of Aviation Transport
Inženierzinātņu fakultāte

Current position: Associate professor, Director of Aviation Engineering Program Engineering Faculty


  • More than 11 years of academic experience
  • More than 28 years’ experience in aviation maintenance
  • More than 5 years’ experience at top management position in aviation business (Airline General Director Technical Maintenance Chief Advisor)
  • More than 2 years’ experience as Airline CAMO Manager (Technical Director)

Teaching activity

Master level (Aviation Managment Program): Management of Aviation Maintenace

Bachelor level (Aviation engineering Program): Compliance Monitoring System, Aircraft Maintenace Planning, Aerodynamic & Flight Dynamic; Maintenace of Aircraft; Propeller and its control systems; Human Factors; Introduction to specialty

Publication activity: Author/Co-author of 18 research publications in journals and conference proceedings (incl. SCOPUS&WoS)

Projects: Horizon 2020 “Enhancing excellence and innovation capacity in sustainable transport interchange – ALLIANCE”

Supervised theses: 1 PhD student, 5 Master students, 8 Bachelor students


Motto: Quality is not an act, it’s a habit

Hobby: Mushroom picking

Asoc. profesors 

Dr. sc. ing.
Evelīna Budiloviča
Pētniecības administrācijas departamenta vadītāja
Transporta un vadībzinātņu fakultāte

Current position – Assistant professor

Experience – more than 15 years of experience in transport planning and simulation in the Riga municipality, more than 1 year in academic and research as assistant of professor and lecture in TSI Certified specialist in using EMME software (traffic flow simulation.

Membership Member of the Latvian Simulation and Modelling Society, Association “WOMEN IN TRANSPORT”

Teaching activity – Geography of Transport Systems (4ECTS, master level), Decision Making Methodologies (2ECTS, master level), Sustainable Transport Interchanges (6ECTS, master level)

Publication activity – Author/co-author of 11 research publications in journals and conference proceedings (indexed in SCOPUS/WoS).

Projects – for the last years participated in more than 2 international projects (Horizon2020, INTERREG): ALLIANCE project ( – participant, SUMBA ( – project coordinator

Supervised theses – 2 master level thesis supervision with successful defence

Research fields/domains – simulation modelling, sustainable transportation, mobility

Awards – ALLIANCE PROJECT. Scientific Excellence Award 2018

Motto – Don’t give up


Dr. sc. ing.
Aleksandrs Grakovskis
Inženierzinātņu fakultāte
Alexander Grakovski
+371 67 109 394


Academic degree and current position in TSI: professor, leading researcher of the Engineering Faculty, Director of BSc Program “Telecommunication Systems and Computer Networks” and MSc Program “Master of Engineering Sciences in Electronics”.

Previous experience: for more than 6 years was Dean of Computer Science and Telecommunication Faculty, Head of Telecommunication Department in Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI), founder of the Laboratory of Image Processing, Biometry & Automated Border Control Systems in TSI.

Membership: Member of ECTRI (since 2017), Latvian Operations Research Society, Latvian Higher School Professors Association; member of European Engineering Deans Council (2012-2013); has been a member of the steering and programme committee of the International Conference on Innovative Vocational Education and Training in Transport Area (IVETTA), 2005; programme committees of the International Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat), Latvia, (9 events), Dependability of Computer Systems (DepCoS-RelMex), Poland (2 events), etc., and reviewer in transportation journals and conference proceedings. Member of Editorial Board of Journals: Transport and Telecommunication (WoS, SCOPUS), Computer Modeling and New Technologies (2012), etc.

Academic experience: Author of more than 90 publications, incl. 14 books and textbooks, chapters in the book “Sensor Network Technology Applications in the Water Supply and Transport Systems”, Ribickis, L., et al. (Scientific Monograph, Riga, RTU Press, 2017, in Latvian), papers in International Journal of Transport, Transport and Telecommunication, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. An Expert in Transport and Logistics (2008-2021) and Civil Engineering (since 2021) at the Latvian Council for Science; member of the PhD promotion committee. Member of the expert working group of the Electronic Communications Sector Council of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Latvia (since 2010).

Teaching at post- and graduate level: System Theory (Dr. ing. in Telematics and Logistics, TSI); Computer Vision and Image Processing (MSc in Computers Science, TSI); Laboratory Research Workshop (MSc in Electronics, TSI); etc.

Participation in projects: as a leading researcher has participated in more than 15 European and Latvian research projects and 2 national transportation studies, has been a scientific coordinator in 4 of them, has participated in COST Action TU0804, Horizon 2020, FP, INTERREG, BSR programme’ s projects.

Research Interests: Mathematical modelling, numerical methods, dynamics of chaotic systems, signal and image processing in different fields (transportation sphere, biometry, networks, logistics and others). 

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses: Promoted 1 Doctoral, more than 50 Master theses and 60 Bachelor theses, anofficial reviewer of 7 PhD theses.

Awards: by Latvian Education Fund in Computer Science (2017), IT industry (X-Infotech, 2016-2017), Riga Municipality (2010).


Dr. sc. ing.
Boriss Mišņevs
Inženierzinātņu fakultāte
Boriss Misnev

Academic degree and current position in TSI: professor, leading researcher of the Engineering Faculty, Director of Bachelor in Computer Science programme.

Previous experience: Rector and more than 10 years a Vice-rector for Education Affairs for Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI), Software Engineering team lead and Quality Manager at SWH Technology (later Exigen Latvia).

Membership: LZP expert, AIC expert; Reviewer (member of the committee) in several international conferences (IADIS ML 2009-2019, ICALT 2009, ICEE/ICIT-2014 etc.); Member of the Editorial Board of the International Women’s On-line Distance Learning Journal (WOJDE, ISSN:2147-0367); TSI Representative for Europe Informatics (Informatics Latvia); TSI Member of the Senate; MIP-2006-2018 Chairman and member of the Organizing Committee (TSI, Riga, Latvia); Member of the Latvian Operations Research Society; Member of the Latvian Association of University Professors.

Academic experience:

  • university lecturer with 40 years of experience (all types of teaching, including distance learning)
  • expert in the development and evaluation of university programs.
  • good knowledge of education and software development quality control processes (currently conducting quality audits at international level)
  • scientist in the software development industry
  • experienced university education process administrator
  • academic internship and lecturing abroad (University of Manchester, UK -1994, Ottawa University, Canada – 1995, University of Hagen, Germany – 1999, University of Florence, Italy – 2008, University of Murcia – 2014, European Humanitarian University, Lithuania – 2018, Vilnius Tech University, Lithuania – 2021).

Author of more than 50 scientific and academic publications, 3 textbooks.

Teaching at post- and graduate level: Information and Software Systems Quality Models, Scientific Seminar (MSc in Computers Science, MIS, TSI); Object-Oriented Programming, Software Engineering, Transport Modelling, Introduction into Computer Science (Bachelor in Computers Science, TSI); etc.

Participation in projects (2013-2020):

  • ERAF Project “Strengthening the academic staff of the Transport and Telecommunication Institute in the areas of strategic specialization” Nr.″ Nr., Supervisor (2018-2020).
  • INTERREG CB 2010-2020 Project “Harmonised and Modernised Multidisciplinary Railway Education” (EDU-RAIL), Leading Researcher (2015 – 2018).
  • ERASMUS+ project iSECRET “Implementation of Software Engineering Competence Remote Evaluation for Master Program Graduates”, ID – 2015-1-LV01-KA203-013439, 2015-2017, Project Manager (2015-2017).
  • FP7: Enhancing  transfering of Intelligent Transportation System innovations to the market (TTRANS), 2012-2015, Leading Researcher (2013).

Research Interests: Object-Oriented Programming, Software Engineering, Process Maturity, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Forensic, Quality Management Systems, Online Pedagogy and E-learning.

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses (number): Promoted 1 Doctoral, more than 30 Master theses and more than 50 Bachelor theses and was official reviewers of 3 PhD theses.

Awards: (2017) Nomination for King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa UNESCO Award for the use of ICT in Education by the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia.(2019); acknowledgments by Ministry of Education and Science (2005);acknowledgments by Latvian Education Fund.

Asoc. profesors 

Dr. sc. ing.
Nadežda Spiridovska
Inženierzinātņu fakultāte
Nadezda Spiridovska

Academic degree and current position in TSI: associate professor, researcher at the Engineering Faculty.

Previous experience: worked at the Mathematical Methods and Modelling Department in TSI for more than 10 years (assistant, lecturer, assistant professor), postdoc researcher.

Membership: A member of the Latvian Simulation Society since 2004, a member of the Latvian Operations Research Society (LatORS) since 2019.

Teaching activity: Discrete Mathematics (undergraduate level); Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (undergraduate level); System Modelling (undergraduate level); Introduction to machine learning (undergraduate level); Statistics (undergraduate level).

Publication activity: Author of on average two to three academic articles a year.

Projects: as a researcher has participated in more than 5 European and Latvian research projects.

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses (number): 1 Master thesis and more than 10 Bachelor theses.

Research fields/domains: Data analysis, statistical analysis, mathematical modelling and simulation (in transportation), machine learning.

Motto: “Any problem can be turned into opportunity”.


Dr. sc. ing.
Dmitry Pavlyuk
Inženierzinātņu fakultāte

Academic degree: doctoral degree in Economics (2005) and Engineering (2015).

Current position at TSI: professor (since 2019), pro-dean of the Engineering Faculty (since 2021), researcher and head of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence research cluster at Transport and Telecommunication Institute, TSI (since 2020).

Experience: academic career from an assistant position at Saratov State University, Russia, in 2002 to an associate professor at TSI. Chair of TSI Mathematical Methods and Modelling Department (2014-2020).

Academic experience: Nineteen years of teaching experience in higher education, development and presenting study courses: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics; Econometrics; Operation Research; Optimisation Theory; Discrete Mathematics; Introduction to Stochastic Processes; Data Analysis and Business Forecasting. Member of TSI final attestation commissions on MSc in Computer Science and Management of Information Systems. Dr Dmitry Pavlyuk has supervised 15 successfully promoted MSc and 10 BSc theses. Teaching mobility to Higher School of Transport, Bulgaria (2013), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania (2017).

Research experience: Author of more than 50 publications, including 22 journal articles in Sensors (ISSN: 1424-8220), European Transport Research Review (ISSN: 1867-0717), Algorithms (ISSN: 1999-4893), Transport and Telecommunication (ISSN: 1407-6179), Research in Transportation Economics (ISSN: 0739-8859), Transport (ISSN: 1648-4142) and 12 book chapters in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Networks and Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series. Postdoctoral researcher at TSI (2017-2020) for spatiotemporal urban traffic modelling; presenter at more than 30 international conferences in Latvia, Austria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Germany, Poland, Russia, Spain. The reviewer at many top scientific journals, including Transportation Research, Parts A, C, E, Transport Reviews, IEEE Access, Transportmetrica B. Guest editor at Information (ISSN: 2078-2489); member of programme committees of Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat-2017-2020), Latvia, and Computer Modelling in Decision Making (CMDM 2017-2020), Russia. Member of PhD promotion committee, expert of the Latvian Council of Science (since 2017) in Civil Engineering.

Participation in research projects: Dr Pavlyuk has successfully completed the postdoc research project “Spatiotemporal urban traffic modelling using big data” (2017-2020); researcher in “Enhancing excellence and innovation capacity in sustainable transport interchanges” (Horizon 2020 Nr. 692426, 2016-2018), “Learning with ICT use” (Erasmus+, 2014-2017) and several commercial research projects.

Research Interests: Research interests include: spatial and spatiotemporal statistical modelling, multivariate time series analysis, econometric models and statistical estimators, stochastic frontier models and machine learning in applied domains of banking, airport industry, urban road traffic, public transport, venture markets, and environmental management.

Emeritus profesors 

Dr. sc. ing., Dr. rer. nat. habil.
Jurijs Tolujevs
Inženierzinātņu fakultāte

Current position – Emeritus Professor of the Engineering Faculty, Director of the study direction “Transport and Business Logistics”.

Experience – More than 50 years of academic and research experience; Professor at Transport and Telecommunication Institute (2004-2020); Privatdocent at Otto-von-Guericke University (Germany) (2001-2014); Project manager at Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (Germany) (2001-2020); Docent at Riga Technical University (1971-2001).

Membership – Member of the Latvian Simulation Society (since 1994); Member of the ASIM Simulation Society (Germany)(since 1989); Expert of Latvian Council for Science in Engineering Field (2017-2023); Member of Program Committee of International Winter Simulation Conference (USA) (since 2012); Member of Programme Committee of International Multi-Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (since 2015); Member of editorial board “Transport and Telecommunication” journal.

Teaching activity – Modelling of systems (2ECTS, doctor level); Business process modelling (2ECTS, doctor level); Mathematical methods and models in logistics research (2ECTS, doctor level); Supply chain risk management (4ECTS, master level); Modelling of logistics and transport processes (4ECTS, master level); Modelling of systems (6ECTS, bachelor level); Simulation modelling in logistics (4ECTS, bachelor level).

Publication activity – Author/co-author of more than 160 research publications in journals and conference proceedings; ca. 30 publications are indexed by SCOPUS/WoS.

Projects – More than 35 contract research projects with the industry by working at Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (Germany) (2001-2020).

Supervised theses (TSI) 10 master level and 4 doctoral thesis supervision with successful defence.

Research fields/domains – Analysis, modelling and simulation of production and logistics systems.

Awards – Honorary Order of the Transport and Telecommunication Institute (2014).

Motto – “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself” (Albert Einstein).


Olegas Prentkovskis
Viļņas Ģedimina tehniskā universitāte
Olegas Prentkovski portrait

Normatīvie dokumenti


Zura Sansyzbayeva. Defence 02.07.2024


Aleksandrs Kotļars. Defence 30.05.2024


Olga Zervina. Defence 21.12.2022

Olga Zervina Promocijas darbs vāks

Farid Saifutdinov. Defence 20.04.2022


Ilya Jackson. Aizstāvējās 19.05.2020


Evelīna Budiloviča. Aizstāvējās 12.12.2019


Iyad Alomar. Aizstāvējās 19.02.2019


Andrejs Zvaigzne. Aizstāvējās 06.10.2017


Marina Rebezova. Aizstāvējās 05.07.2017


Sergejs Kamenčenko. Aizstāvējās 22.12.2015


Aivars Muravjovs. Aizstāvējās 24.08.2015


Viktors Krebss. Aizstāvējās 09.07.2015


Irina Pticina  Aizstāvējās 13.07.2015


Dmitry Pavlyuk  Aizstāvējās 13.07.2015


Nadezda Spiridovskaya. Aizstāvējās 10.02.2015


JOERG KUNDLER. Aizstāvējās 26.06.2014

Promocijas Darba kopsavilkums (Latviešu un angļu valodā)
Promocijas Darbs 1. sējums (angļu valodā)
Promocijas darbs 2. sējums (angļu valodā)

SERGEY YUNUSOV. Aizstāvējās 8.05.2014

ALEXANDER KRAINYUKOV. Aizstāvējās 17.02.2014

ELENA YURSHEVICH. Aizstāvējās 12.12.2013

MIHAILS SAVRASOVS. Aizstāvējās 3.10.2013

STANISLAV ARYEH V. FRADKIN. Aizstāvējās 14.02.2013


TAKHIR MAMIROV. Aizstāvējās 8.09.2011.


NATALIA PETUKHOVA. Aizstāvējās 30.03.2011


VAIRA GROMULE. Aizstāvējās 15.12.2010


ALEXANDER V. BEREZHNOY. Aizstāvējās 7.10.2008


ANDREJS SOLOMENIKOVS. Aizstāvējās 17.04.2007


ANDREY ROMANOV. Aizstāvējās 19.12.2006


VASILIJS DEMIDOVS. Aizstāvējās 20.06.2006


HELEN AFANASYEVA. Aizstāvējās 04.07.2006


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