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Past events
- TTI Research and Academic Conference “Research and Technology – Step into the Future” (RatSif-2019) Masterclass “From Data to Bussiness: Added Value” December 6, 2019
- International Multidisciplinary Conference „Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication” (RelStat-2019) 16 – 19 October, 2019
- TTI Research and Academic Conference “Research and Technology – Step into the Future” (RatSif-2019) April 26, 2019
- The open seminar „The practical implementation of managerial solutions” May 15, 2019
- International forum “Next Generation of Aviation Professionals” May 24, 2019
- TTI Research and Academic Conference “Research and Technology – Step into the Future”. December 7, 2018
- International Scientific and Educational Conference Actual problems of Education, MIP 2018 2018, 22 and 23 March
- TTI Research and Academic Conference Research and Technology – Step into the Future. April 26, 2018
- The 28th International Conference On Information Modelling And Knowledge Bases – EJC•2018. June 4-8, 2018
- “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication” (RelStat-2018) 17-20 October 2018, Riga, Latvia International Multidisciplinary Conference
- TTI Research and Academic Conference “Research and Technology – Step into the Future”. December 8, 2017
- “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication” (RelStat-2017) 18-21 October 2017, Riga, Latvia International Multidisciplinary Conference
- TTI Research and Academic Conference Research and Technology – Step into the Future. April 21, 2017
- International Scientific and Educational Conference Actual problems of Education, MIP 2017 2017, 1 and 2 June
- TTI Mathematical Seminar (April-May 2017)
- TTI Research and Academic Conference Research and Technology – Step into the Future. 9 december 2016
- “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication” (RelStat-16) 19-22 October 2016, Riga, Latvia International Multidisciplinary Conference
- TTI Mathematical Seminar (April-May 2016) Riga, Latvia
- International Scientific and Educational Conference Actual problems of Education, MIP 2016 25- 26 FEBRUARY 2016
- Research and Technology – Step into the Future. TTI Research and Academic Conference 21 – 22 April 2016
- “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication”, RelStat’15 21-24 October 2015
- Open Mathematics Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Methods and Modelling March – May 2015
- Inter-higher School Scientific and Educational Conference. Actual Problems of Education, MIP 2015 26 – 27 February, 2015
- TSI Research and Academic Conference Research and Technology – Step into the Future 23 – 24 April, 2015
- The International Scientific Conference European – Asian Transport Corridors: Trends. Strategies. Practices.23 – 24 April, 2015
- TTI Research and Academic Conference Research and Technology – Step into the Future. 12 December, 2014
- Actual Problems of Education. Inter-higher School Scientific and Educational Conference. 20 – 21 February, 2014.
- TTI Research and Academic Conference Research and Technology – Step into the Future. 25 April, 2014
- Scientific practical seminar “Information and safety – main aspects of services, affecting on public transport attractiveness: theory and practice”. 4 June, 2014
- International Conference “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication”. 15-18 October, 2014
- Research and Technology – Step into the Future. TTI Research and Academic Conference. 13 December, 2013.
- Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat`13). International Conference. 16-19 October, 2013.;
- T-TRANS project. Workshop. 16 October 2013.;
- LogOnTrain: CWP group meeting. Workshop. 17 October, 2013.;
- Lecture „Optimization through Simulation: How to improve TMA Operations” Miquel Angel Piera. 17 October, 2013;
- European TEN Infrastructural Network and International Logistic Challenges. Prof. Massimo Merlino (Italy, University of Bergamo). Tutor Lecture. 18 October, 2013. ;
- Project POLITE. Scientific workshop. 18 October, 2013.;
- Open Lecture. Status and Trends of Logistics development in the Russian Federation. Valery Lukinskiy (Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Transport Academy of Russian Federation and the International Transport Academy, Dr.habil.sc.ing, Professor, Director of CKC «ASMAP» in St. Petersburg, Head of the Logistics and Transport Organization Department of the St. Petersburg state Engineering and economic University). 18 October 2013
- Business and Research: Together Towards Innovations with ICT new trends. Big Data, Cloud, Mobility and Social networks. Conference. 11 September, 2013. ;
- Research and Technology – Step into the Future. TTI Research and Academic Conference. 25-26 April, 2013. ;
- Actual Problems of Education. Inter-higher School Scientific and Educational Conference. 21 – 22 February, 2013.;
- CLEAN DRIVE in the Baltics. International conference. 15 February, 2013.
- Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat`12). International Conference. 17-20 October, 2012;
- COST Action TU1004 Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems Workshop;
- COST Action TU0903 Methods and Tools for Supporting the Use, Calibration and Validation of Traffic Simulation Models Workshop;
- Research and Technology – Step into the Future. TTI Research and Academic Conference. 14-15 December, 2012. ;
- Research and Technology – Step into the Future. TTI Research and Academic Conference. 19-20 April, 2012. ;
- Actual Problems of Education. International Inter-higher School Scientific and Educational Conference. 23 – 24 February, 2012;
- 1st Baltic HPC (High Performance Computing) & Cloud Computing Conference;
- Seminar “Short Time Scientific Mission results in a framework of COST Action TU1004 : Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems”;
- Lecture by Professor Boldyrev at TSI;
- Lecture “Calibration and Validation of Microscopic Traffic Simulation Models”. Barcelo Bugeda;
- Lecture “Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models and the Problem of Their Calibration”. Constantinos Antoniou.
- Research and Technology – Step into the Future. TTI Research and Academic Conference. 9-10 December, 2011.;
- Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat`11). International Conference. 19-22 October, 2011;
- Research and Technology – Step into the Future. TTI Research and Academic Conference. 28-29 April, 2011.;
- Actual Problems of Education. International Inter-higher School Scientific and Educational Conference. 24 – 25 February 2011;
- Baltic Congress on Future Internet Communications. 16-18 February, 2011;
- On March 25-26, 2011 a seminar “SPRING – FIRST TOUCH” took place (lecturer Victor Savonin);
- On September 11, a unique one-day event “Code Retreat” was held, which was aimed at sharing experience in the development and design of software;
- A discussion about the current situation in the transport and logistics sector in Latvia took place on May 11, 2011;
- COST Action TU0801 meeting took place in Riga;
- CodeRetreat was held in cooperation with CTCo on November 27, 2011.
- Research and Technology – Step into the Future. TTI Research and Academic Conference. 10 – 11 December, 2010;
- Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat`10). 20-23 October, 2010;
- 2-nd International Specialized Symposium “Space & Global Security of Humanity” (SGS 2010). 5-9 July, 2010;
- The International Research and Practical Conference “State and Prospects of Aviation Specialists Training”. 8 – 9 July, 2010;
- Research and Technology – Step into the Future. TTI Research and Academic Conference. 22 – 23 April, 2010. ;
- Actual Problems of Education. Inter-higher school scientific and educational conference. 25 – 26 February, 2010;
- International Workshop on on-line learning, December 2-4, 2010;
- Guest lecture by the director of the business of optical technologies department of Lattelecom, November 8, 2010;
- Guest lecture on the Mining Complex Data by professor from Tokyo, 25 October, 2010;
- Guest lectures from TTI partners, 9-28 September, 2010;
- Seminar “SOFTWARE ENGINEERING”, January 27, 2010;
- Presentation of a new master’s programme “Management of Information Systems”, January 16, 2010;
- Seminar “The 6th business forum for young enterpreneurs”, January 21, 2010.
- Research and Technology – Step into the Future. TTI Research and Academic Conference. 11 – 12 December, 2009;
- Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat`09) 21-24 October, 2009;
- Research and Technology – Step into the Future. TTI Research and Academic Conference. 23 – 24 April, 2009;
- Actual Problems of Education, 19 – 20 February, 2009;
- Guest lecture from «Accenture Riga DC», December 19, 2009;
- Guest lecture for students “ORACLE BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (BI)”, December 5, 2009;
- Seminar “Software for modeling and processing of statistical data”, October 13, 2009;
- Lecture-Seminar “Agile and Scrum methodologies”, October 5, 2009;
- Business forum of young entrepreneurs, September 9, 2009;
- World Bank Seminar for Baltic States, May 11, 2009;
- Open lessons for schoolchildren, March 26, 2009.