Workforce Europe – Transformation agenda for transport automation (We-Transform)

Periods: 01.12.2020
- 31.03.2024
Programma: HORIZON 2020

Projekta vadītājs/a:


Dr. sc. ing.
Irina Jackiva
Inženierzinātņu fakultāte
Irina Yatskiv
+371 67100665

Academic degree and current position in TSI: professor, leading researcher of the Engineering Faculty, Director of MSc Program “Transport and Logistics”

Previous experience: more than 10 years was Vice-rector for Research and Development, Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI), founder of the Laboratory of Applied Systems and chair of Mathematical Methods and Modelling Department in TSI

Membership: From 01.2017 member of ECTRI Board and from 2019 – vice-president of ECTRI; an external scientific expert in Association of Paneuropa Coach Terminals from 2009; has been chair or member of the organizing and the programme committees of the International Conference on Applied Statistics (6 events), Transportation Research (15 events), Complex Systems (4 events), etc. and reviewer in transportation journals and conference proceedings. Member of Editorial Board of Journals: Transport (WoS, SCOPUS); Maintenance and Reliability (SCOPUS), Transport and Telecommunication (WoS, SCOPUS), etc. Guest redactor of Volumes of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems and Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure in Springer; Procedia Engineering published by Elsevier etc.

Academic experience: Author more than 170 publications, incl. 9 books and textbooks, chapters in the books “From Transit Systems to Models: Purpose of Modelling” in book: “Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems” (Springer Verlag, 2016), “3D City Models and urban information: Current issues and perspectives” (edpsciences, 2014), papers in International Journal of Transport, Transport and Telecommunication, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, etc. Guest redactor of Volumes of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems and Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure in Springer; Procedia Engineering published by Elsevier etc. An Expert in Transport and Logistics (2008-2021) and Civil Engineering (from 2021) at the Latvian Council for Science; member of the PhD promotion committee

Teaching at post- and graduate levels: Data Analysis (PhD in Business Management, RSEBAA-BA); Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Transport Modelling, Scientific Seminar (Dr. Ing. in Telematics and Logistics, TSI); Data Mining (MSc in Computers Science, MIS, TSI); Research Seminar; Methods of Data Analysis and Business Forecasting (MSc in Transport and Logistics, TSI); etc.

Participation in projects: as leading researcher has participated in more than 20 European and Latvian research projects and more than 14 national transportation studies, and was scientific coordinator in 8 of them. Is/was national representative and management committee member of COST Actions CA16222 (WISE-ACT), TU1306 (CYBERPARKS), TU1004, TU0903, TU0804 and TU0801. Has great experience in coordinating different kind of projects in frame of Horizon 2020, FP, INTERREG, BSR programmes, she was coordinator of Horizon 2020 project “Enhancing excellence and innovation capacity in sustainable transport interchanges” (ALLIANCE)

Research interest: Data analysis, data mining, statistical analysis, mathematical modelling and simulation with application in different fields (transportation sphere, business, economics, networks, logistics and others)

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses: Promoted 6 Doctoral, more than 90 Master theses and 70 Bachelor theses an official reviewer of 7 PhD theses

Awards: (2019) by Ministry of Education and Science; (2017, 2010, 2008) Latvian Education Funds; (2011, 2010, 2008) Riga Municipality

Acronym of the project: WE-TRANSFORM

Īss projekta aprakst:

Apvienojot zināšanas visos transporta aspektos un analītiskos rīkus, WE-TRANSFORM mērķis ir izmantot līdzdalības pieeju, izmantojot kolektīvo intelektu (CI), lai izveidotu uz pierādījumiem balstītu un uz darbiem vērstu programmu, lai pētītu, formulētu un noteiktu prioritātes problēmām, kas saistītas ar automatizācijas ietekmi uz transporta darbaspēku, nākotnes darba apstākļiem un prasmēm.

WE-TRANSFORM konsorcijs, izmantojot esošos datus ko nodrošina mūsu sastāva cilvēku  zināšanu diapazons un dziļums, izveidos tematiskas un modālas starpvalstu dzīves centra sistēmu kā zināšanu un prioritāšu veidošanas platformu, piedāvājot virzienu gudrākiem lēmumiem, inovatīvākai un uz pierādījumiem balstītai politikas veidošanai, izmantojot pārdomātu pārvaldību.

WE-TRANSFORM pieeja ir izteikti vērsta uz sadarbošanos, veicinot tēmu atklātību, diskusijas un prioritāšu noteikšanu, aktīvi iesaistoties pārstāvošo nozaru ieinteresētajām personām, izmantojot vismodernākos datu vākšanas un analīzes rīkus, vienlaikus vācot informāciju un tēmas no plaša spektra vidēm. Konsorcija sastāvs un izmantojamie mākslīgā intelekta (AI) rīki garantē piekļuvi un līdzdalību plašam spektram iesaistīto pušu, sākot no transporta ķēžu ieinteresētajām pusēm līdz pilsoņu apvienībām un ne tikai, bet arī iekļaujot informācijas ieguvi no elektroniskajiem sociālajiem medijiem.

Spēcīgi analītiskie rīki tiek apvienoti ar informācijas atklājumiem, kas iegūti pateicoties AI ātrumam un pārklājuma potenciālam, savukārt sociālo debašu simulācija ar reālu un aktīvu cilvēku kopumu pieļauj dialogu un galu galā formulēt kopīgi definētu programmu, kas bagātināta ar kopīgi izveidotajām zināšanām. Priekšlikumā ir iekļauts arī beigu rezultāts par ilgtspējīgi izveidotās elektroniskās vides uzturēšanu, kas kalpotu turpmākajiem pētījumiem šajā jomā.

WE-TRANSFORM kopumā ir 36 partneri ar līdzsvarotu un papildinošu daudzdisciplīnu kompetenču kopumu.

Kopējais projekta budžets: EUR 2 499 396,25

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