First iDEAHUB grant winners!

Last week, the first contract was signed at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) with the team “Metroble” for the development of an innovative project in the framework of the “Transport and Telecommunication Institute Innovation Grants for Students” project, implemented by the iDEAHUB Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at TSI, providing free training, business partner […]
Project PostDOc report

During this period of time two articles were published in journals indexed in Scopus (Q1) and WoS: 1)Popova, Y.; Popovs, S. Impact of Smart Economy on Smart Areas and Mediation Effect of National Economy. Sustainability 2022, 14, 2789. 2)Popova, Y.; Zagulova, D. UTAUT Model for Smart City Concept Implementation: Use of Web Applications by […]
TSI Participates in an EU-funded Adult Education Project

Today, on January 27, the new application round for the European Union (EU fund for the adult education project “Improvement of Professional Competence of Employed Persons” implemented by the State Education Development Agency (VIAA) was opened. Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) offers and online course “Querying Databases With SQL”. If you are in an employment […]
The iDEAHUB project team is waiting for the jury results

We thank all the applicants for participating at the first iDEAHUB project call. The project applications of eight teams met administrative criteria and now will be evaluated further by the jury. The iDEAHUB teammates are looking forward to working with the teams who applications will be accepted, and we will keep you posted on how […]
In September-November 2021 within the framework of the research project No. “Development of Model of Smart Economy in Smart City” there were performed the following activities

Two articles were published in the journals indexed in Scopus and WoS. One article was published in the scientific journal. Two theses were published in the books of abstracts of scientific conferences. Report at the plenary session of the International scientific conference Participation in 6 conferences with reports. There also continued the work on preparation […]
TSI has signed the contract for the iDEAHUB project implementation

TSI has signed the contract for the project “Transport and Telecommunication Institute Innovation Grants for Students” / iDEAHUB (project ID No implementation. The project aims to promote the implementation of student innovation applications, which develops students’ innovation capacity and entrepreneurship skills, solves problems important to the society or its part, strengthens cooperation of universities […]
Research project No. “Development of Model of Smart Economy in Smart City” there were performed the following activities

In March 2021 within the framework of the research project No. “Development of Model of Smart Economy in Smart City” there were performed the following activities: One article was submitted to review. Two articles have been prepared for submitting for review. These articles are case studies on the processes of administration of smart solutions […]
TSI as an example of good practice in the ”Spread Your Wings” project

We are proud to announce that the ERASMUS+ KA2 Spread Your Wings project was chosen by the Polish National Agency (Foundation for the Development of the Education System/FRSE) as an example of Good Practise, in the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme. The main objective of the Project was to increase the quality and relevance of […]
Research project No. “Development of Model of Smart Economy in Smart City” successfully continues with several activities MP3

One article was presented for review and another article was prepared for submitting for review. Also and abstract has been submitted for participating in the 15th International Conference of European Sociological Association. Work on creation of a website Smart City – Smart Economy, has been started, which is planned for dissemination of project results as […]
TSI academic staff capacity development project successfully completed

Since November 2018 till January 2021 TSI was implementing the project “Strengthening Transport and Telecommunication Institute Academic Staff in the Areas of Strategic Specialisation” (No The project was aimed at strengthening competences of academic staff – professional English skills were improved, as well as cooperation with 13 companies established, where most of the lecturers […]