Outgoing Staff Mobility

The objectives of the Outgoing Staff Mobility may be summarized as follows:

  • to provide TSI teaching and administrative staff with opportunities for professional and personal development
  • to share expertise in specialist areas, acquire new skills and competencies and to deepen mutual understanding of different European Education Systems
  • to raise the profile of TSI and promote TSI study programmes
  • to develop and strengthen cooperation between partner institutions
  • to identify and develop new opportunities for collaboration
  • to practice and improve foreign language competences
  • etc.


Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments (STA) is a field of activity that allows HEI teaching staff to teach and carry joint academic/educational activities at a partner HEI in the program countries. Here you can find the list of TSI Erasmus+ partner universities. 

The following types of organizations are not eligible for STT:

Eligible participants

Permanent teaching staff and researchers of TSI are eligible for the Erasmus + STA Program.

Duration of the Activity

From 2 days to 2 months, excluding travel time. Recommended mobility period for STA at TSI is limited to 5 days (excluding travel time). A teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or any shorter period of stay).

Financial Provisions

STA is a daily based activity and a grant payment is made for the working days and one travel day.

Successful applicants will receive a grant payment to support their visit. A grant payment includes two components: Individual Support and Travel Contribution.

  1. Individual Support Rates

Receiving country

Amount per day (from 1 to 14)

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom

180 EUR/day

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, France, Italy,  Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain

160 EUR/day

Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

140 EUR/day


  1. Travel Contribution

Travel contribution is calculated using Travel distance calculator (http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/tools/distance_en.htm). Distance is calculated between sending and receiving institution (city) in straight lines from one location to another. 

Travel Distance


Between 10 and 99 KM

20 EUR per participant

Between 100 and 499KM

180 EUR per participant

Between 500 and 1999KM

275 EUR per participant

Between 2000 and 2999KM

360 EUR per participant

Between 3000 and 3999KM

530 EUR per participant

Staff Mobility for Training (STT) can be taken by both:  teaching and administrative staff members. STT supports training events abroad (excluding conferences), job shadowing, seminars, workshops, courses, practical training, study visits at Erasmus+ partner University or public/private organization, non-profit organization, association, NGO, etc. Here you can find the list of TSI Erasmus+ partner universities. 

The following types of organizations are not eligible for STT:

EU institutions and other EU bodies including specialized agencies (their exhaustive list is available on the website: http://europa.eu/about-eu/institutions-bodies/index_en.htm)

organizations managing EU programs (e.g. National Agencies)

Eligible participants

Permanent teaching staff, researchers and administrative staff members of TSI are eligible for the Erasmus + STT Program.

Duration of the Activity

  • Training periods can have a duration of 2 days – 2 months. Apart from the regular trainings, courses, internships are eligible (except for conferences and congresses). Recommended mobility period for STT at TSI is limited to 5 days (excluding travel time).

Financial Provisions

STT is a daily based activity and a grant payment is made for the working days and one travel day.

Successful applicants will receive a grant payment to support their visit. A grant payment includes two components: Individual Support and Travel Contribution.

  1. Individual Support

Receiving country

Amount per day (from 1 to 14)

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom

180 EUR/day

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, France, Italy,  Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain

160 EUR/day

Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

140 EUR/day


  1. Travel Contribution

Travel contribution is calculated using Travel distance calculator (http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/tools/distance_en.htm). Distance is calculated between sending and receiving institution (city) in straight lines from one location to another. 

Travel Distance


Between 10 and 99 KM

20 EUR per participant

Between 100 and 499KM

180 EUR per participant

Between 500 and 1999KM

275 EUR per participant

Between 2000 and 2999KM

360 EUR per participant

Between 3000 and 3999KM

530 R per participant

Call for applications is announced twice a year – each call is for the current academic semester. Calls for applications are announced on the TSI website and social media. 

Application period: September 1 – September 15 / February 1 – February 26

  • Application Form for Erasmus+ mobility
  • Applications shall be signed by the respective Dean of the Faculty (for teaching staff members) or line supervisor (for administrative staff members) and submitted to the International Office before the deadline of the respective Call for applications.
  • Decision on participation in the programme is taken by the TSI Erasmus+ Committee and communicated to the participants withing 10 days following the decision.


Successful applicants shall submit the following documents to the International Office (Room 605, e-mail: Smagina.A@tsi.lv):

Before the Mobility

  • Official Invitation Letter (signed and stamped by the receiving institution)
  • Erasmus+ Staff Mobility agreement for teaching (signed by all parties)
  • STA is a full-time activity and a grant payment is made for full-time training days and one travel day. For this reason, STA Agreement must clearly specify all objectives of the mobility and confirmed teaching program (not less than 8 ac.hours).


  • Erasmus+ Staff Mobility agreement for training (signed by all parties)
  • STT is a full-time activity and a grant payment is made for full-time training days and one travel day. For this reason, in the Staff Mobility for Training Mobility Agreement a specific training program must be indicated on a daily-basis.

After the Mobility

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