Project «Spatiotemporal urban traffic modelling using big data» (postdoc: Dmitry Pavlyuk) successfully continues with several important activities:
- Article “Feature selection and extraction in spatiotemporal traffic forecasting: a systematic literature review” was accepted for publication in European Transport Research Review, one of the leading transport scientific journals. 2 major and 5 technical revisions – and the coveted “accept” for publication is received! The article will be publicly available in the near future.
- Continuous education is an important part of the researcher’s work. During the last quarter, the postdoc has increased his competence in the field of traffic flow modelling. The results of the work are presented in the form of reports:
- “Report on traffic data sources, utilized in scientific literature”
- “Short report on traffic data collection and processing principles”
- “Short report on activities, Applied Software Systems, Transport and Telecommunication Institute”
- Participation in the hEART 2018 conference – the 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (September 5-7, 2018, Athens, Greece) with the poster “Spatiotemporal structure of urban traffic flows:
- Participation in the RelStat-2018 conference – 18th International Multi-Conference “Reliability and Statistics for Transportation and Communication” (October 17-20, 2018, Riga, Latvia) with presentations on “Exploring the Potential of Social Media Content for Detecting Transport-Related Activities” (together with Maria Karatsoli and Eftihia Nathanail) and “Spatiotemporal Feature Selection For Urban Traffic Flow Forecasting” (with Edgars Mertens).
Current information on the progress and results of the project is available here.