Dubultais diploms aviācijas vadībā

Izcel savas prasmes aviācijas vadības jomā
Gūsti pieredzi no aviācijas nozares ekspertiem


Key Data





In Riga Campus

Credit Points (ECTS)

120 vai 90

Study Form

Pilna laika


Septembris, 2024




Profesionālā maģistra grāds aviācijas vadībā un organizācijas vadītāja kvalifikācija (TSI),
Maģistra grāds aviācijas vadībā un ilgtspējā (UWE)




Šī dubultā diploma programma apvieno sevī unikālu inovatīvas izglītības pieeju un ļoti elastīgu studiju vidi, kas izstrādāta un pielāgota strauji augošās aviācijas nozares profesionāļu vajadzībām.

, Ph. D.
 Berdymyrat Ovezmyradov,

Programmas direktors

, Ph. D.
 Berdymyrat Ovezmyradov,

Programmas direktors


Šī dubultā diploma programma ir izstrādāta sadarbībā ar Rietumanglijas Universitāti Bristolē(UWE). Pēc divu gadu studijām Jūs iegūsiet diplomus no abām augstskolām, kā arī neatsveramu pieredzi.

Atbilstoši Lielbritānijas kvalitātes standartiem, studiju laikā ir daudz grupu darbu un projektu. Studiju rezultātus vērtēs ne tikai TSI pasniedzēji, bet arī UWE akadēmiskais personāls. Šīs programmas studentiem būs pieejami arī abu universitāšu resursi: bibliotēka, e-semināri. utt

Prakse lidostu un citās aviācijas iestādēs sniegs lielisku iespēju iepazīt nozari un tās darbību.

Programmas pievienotā vērtība ir aviācijas nozares pārstāvji gan pasniedzēju lomā, gan kā studiju biedri.

UWE Bristol ir moderna, dinamiska Rietumanglijas universitāte, kas atrodas pavisam tuvu Bristolei. Tā ir aprīkota ar vismodernākajām – pasaules līmeņa mācību telpām un ir plaši atpazīstama ar ciešo sadarbību ar vadošajiem pasaules uzņēmumiem, piemēram, Airbus, kā arī savu pētījumu kvalitāti. Tā ir viena no lielākajām un populārākajām universitātēm Lielbritānijā. Universitātē studē vairāk kā 30 000 studentu un tā piedāvā vairāk nekā 600 kursu, kas aptver plašu mācību priekšmetu klāstu.

2021. gada 15. jūlijā publicētajā Nacionālajā studentu aptaujā (NSS), pēc studentu apmierinātības UWE Bristol ieņem 4. vietu starp augstākās izglītības iestādēm Anglijas dienvidrietumos. Kā arī starp 121 Lielbritānijas institūcijām, tā ieņem 21. vietu, un ir pakāpusies par 7 vietām līdz visu laiku augstākajai pozīcijai.

Tutors from the industry

Within the double degree study programme framework, visiting professors and industry professionals are involved in the implementation of the programme. Meet them:

Prof. Romano Pagliari Īpašais padomnieks Londonas Lūtonas lidostas direktoru padomei
Artūrs Saveļjevs VAS “Starptautiskā lidosta “Rīga”” valdes loceklis
Arturs Kokars Latvijas Republikas Satiksmes ministrijas Aviācijas departamenta direktors
Prof. Romano Pagliari Īpašais padomnieks Londonas Lūtonas lidostas direktoru padomei
Artūrs Saveļjevs VAS “Starptautiskā lidosta “Rīga”” valdes loceklis
Arturs Kokars Latvijas Republikas Satiksmes ministrijas Aviācijas departamenta direktors
Prof. Romano Pagliari Īpašais padomnieks Londonas Lūtonas lidostas direktoru padomei
Artūrs Saveļjevs VAS “Starptautiskā lidosta “Rīga”” valdes loceklis
Arturs Kokars Latvijas Republikas Satiksmes ministrijas Aviācijas departamenta direktors

Get to know all tutors


Ph. D.
Veronika Siliņeviča
Transporta un vadībzinātņu fakultāte
Veronika Silinevica

Ph. D.
Emmanuel Merchan
Inženierzinātņu fakultāte
Emmanuel Merchan foto2


Academic degree and current position in TSI: Professor at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Dean of the Engineering Faculty,

Previous experience: Over 20 years as a Professor at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional in Mexico City, serving in various leadership roles including Academic Vice-Chancellor, Executive Secretariat of COFAA-IPN, General Coordinator for Staff Development and Educational Innovation, Dean of Higher Education, and Director of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

Membership: Member of IEEE, collaborating with the Robotics and Automation Society. Since 2023, a member of the Latvian Council of Science as an expert in the field of Engineering and Technology – Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies, and a member of the Engineering and Technology Expert Commission.

Academic experience: Author of numerous publications in journals such as IEEE Access, Results in Engineering, and MDPI Sensors. Supervised over 55 undergraduate theses, 11 master’s theses, and 7 doctoral dissertations at IPN, the last 2 Doctoral dissertations supervised as TSI staff.

Teaching at post- and graduate level: Courses in Robotics, Engineering Design, and Soft-Computing at both graduate and undergraduate levels.

Participation in projects: Participated in and led various research projects focused on robotics, optimization techniques, biomechanics, and mechanical design.

Research Interests: Robotics, Trajectory Planning, Soft Computing, Mechanical Design Optimization, and Biomechanics.

Awards: Recognized for innovative leadership in academia and research, aiming to advance engineering education and tackle the challenges posed by Industry 4.0.


Dr. oec.
Zane Zeibote
Latvian Academy of Sciences, Acting Director of the European Policy Research Institute, University of Latvia, Acting Director of the Centre for European and Transition Studies

Dr. oec.
Inna Stecenko
Transporta un vadībzinātņu fakultāte
Inna Stecenko
+371 67100613

Ioseb Gabelaia
Asoc. profesors 

Dr. oec.
Jeļena Popova
Transporta un vadībzinātņu fakultāte
Jelena Popova

Academic degree and current position in TSI: Associate Professor, the Faculty of Transport and Management

Experience: 20 years’ experience as a university lecturer, several years of experience as a scientific translator at Scientific Research Institute “Micropribor”, several years worked as a school teacher


Expert of Latvian Council for Science in Business and Economics field;

Editor of Scientific Journal Cultural Heritage & Tourist Destinations: Creative Approaches in Development, ISSN 2592-8449.

Peer reviewer of the International Scientific Journal Tourism and Innovations, University of Economics, Varna, Bulgaria. Member of Editorial Board.

Peer reviewer of the Journal of Tourism and Services, Prague, Czech Republic, ISSN 1804-5650

Member of Scientific and Editorial Committee of the Journal of scientific articles of students and young scientists Development of Modern Business within the Concept of Green Economy

Organiser of Students’ Practical Conference Students’ Practice as the Basis of Professional Competence. Organiser and moderator of working sections and workshop within the frameworks of the project Enhancing Green Economy in 3 countries of Asia, Grant agreement 598470-EPP-1-2018-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP – ENV2.

Teaching activity: Economic Theory; Advanced Microeconomics; International Economic Relations; Global Economy; Corporate Finance; Financial Management; Strategic Management; Project Management; Marketing; Business English.

Publication activity:  Author and co-author of scientific publications for 6 years: 57 scientific articles in indexed and peer reviewed scientific journals and proceedings of scientific conferences, participated in 27 scientific conferences and round tables with reports.

Participation in projects: the European grant “Post-doctoral Research Aid” Project id. N. of the Republic of Latvia, funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Research project No. “Development of Model of Smart Economy in Smart City” the European Project Enhancing Green Economy in 3 countries of Asia, Grant agreement 598470-EPP-1-2018-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP – ENV2

Research Interests: The scientific interests are in the area of Smart economy, Sustainable Economy, International Economics, Human Capital, Intellectual Capital, Waste Management.

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses (number): Supervision of the Doctoral Thesis; Master’s Theses; Bachelor Thesis.

Awards: three awards as the best professor of the university (Baltic International Academy, Latvia).

Award as the best presenter at the International Scientific Conference Economics and Management

Motto: “If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one”.

Maxima for teaching: People who know what they’re talking about don’t need PowerPoint

Benefits of the



UK Education




Unique Programme
for Baltic Sea Region


Cutting-Edge Industry
Research Involvement


Learn from
Aviation Experts



Programme is

Supported by

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odessa international airport logo
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Bloks A – obligātie priekšmeti

Priekšmeta nosaukums
Datu analīze3.004.5
Ekonomika, starptautiskais bizness un ilgtspēja3.004.5
Finanšu vadība ilgtspējīgā kontekstā3.004.5
Ilgtspējīgas piegādes ķēdes vadība un vairākveidu pārvadājumi3.004.5
Lēmumu pieņemšanas metodoloģija3.004.5
Inženiertehniskā projektu vadība3.004.5
Stratēģiskā cilvēkresursu vadība un līderība3.004.5
Zinātniskais seminārs I3.004.5
Maģistra darbs30.0045.0

Bloks B – specializācijas priekšmeti

Priekšmeta nosaukums
Gaisa kuģu apkopes vadība6.009.0
Lidostu vadība6.009.0
Starptautiskās tirdzniecības un aviācijas juridiskie aspekti3.004.5
Stratēģiskā un pārmaiņu vadība aviācijā6.009.0
Darba drošība, civilā un apkārtējās vides aizsardzība3.004.5
Kvalitātes un drošuma vadība aviācijā3.004.5
Latviešu valoda3.004.5
* Darba drošība, civilā un apkārtējās vides aizsardzība – iekļauts studiju plāna obligātajā daļā, ja students iepriekš iegūtajā izglītībā nav apguvis Vides aizsardzības likumā un Civilās aizsardzības likumā noteiktās prasības

Bloks C – izvēles priekšmeti (viens kuru izvēlējies students)

Priekšmeta nosaukums
Aviācijas un kosmosa risku pārvaldība3.004.5
Ilgtspējīga inženierija globāliem izaicinājumiem3.004.5
Mārketinga vadība3.004.5

The curriculum is module-based on weekends – three days in a row, every third or fourth week of a month. The blended learning format will allow you to choose between online and on-site studies, allowing you to continue working while studying. Please note that there are three mandatory in-person modules per semester in Riga, Latvia, with specific dates to be announced.

Sample time schedule for a weekend:

Friday from 4:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Saturday from 8:45 a.m. to 7:45 p.m.
Sunday from 8:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Dates for the autumn semester 2024/2025

20.09.24 – 22.09.2024
11.10.24 – 13.10.2024
01.11.24 – 03.11.2024
22.11.24 – 24.11.2024
13.12.24 – 15.12.2024
10.01.25 – 12.01.2025
24.01.25 – 26.01.2025

*there will be a possibility to join lectures online, but some of them will be mandatory for attendance – more information will follow

Students obtain the opportunity to spend 312 hours of professional internship joining operations at airports and other aviation field companies. Locations include premises of International Airports, e.g. Riga International Airport.

There are conditions of transferable internship credit points:

  • in case of previously completed Bachelor or Master professional degree which included the same or above amount of internship hours
  • if a student has worked on the managerial position in aviation industry for more than one year, this student can defend his professional knowledge in the form of a report and a presentation and it is accepted as a professional internship

In both cases students have a shorter version of the programme – minus one term (62 credit points versus 82 credit points in full version). Their tuition fee also is cut by the price of one term

Previous education

Bachelor’s degree in management, economics, logistics, transport, business management, administration, aviation transport or a related field

For Latvian, EU, EEC applicants

Step 1

  • Fill in the application in the Admission system and upload:
    • passport/ID card
    • bachelor’s/master’s or equivalent higher education document

Step 2

  • Come to TSI to sign the study agreement and take the original documents and 4 photos (3×4 cm) with you

For applicants from other countries of the World

Step 1

  • Fill in the application in the Admission system and upload:
    • passport/ID card
    • the scan of original of the educational documents
    • certificate of english language proficiency at B2 level or document on previous education in English
  • Pay registration fee
  • Pass your entrance tests
  • Pass your Skype interview
  • Wait for your education document verification (AIC document). It may take up to 30-40 working days to receive it

Step 2

  • Book accommodation for a stay in Riga during studies
  • Receive positively verified document (AIC)
  • Print study agreement, sign and upload to the system
  • Pay tuition fee
  • Receive invitation

Step 3

  • Book an appointment in the Embassy of Latvia and get a visa
  • Arrive in Riga. If you cannot come, no worries – start your studies remotely! We will provide all the materials and online lectures, and arrive when borders will be open.

The application round for the master’s programme at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute is open! The first step is to fill an application at admission.tsi.lv. After you register in the system, we will contact you shortly.

  Full time Part time Distance learning
Duration 1.5/2 years    
Tuition fee EUR/year 6500 EUR    
Tuition fee for applicants from 🇱🇻 🇱🇹 🇪🇪 🇺🇦 🇪🇺 and EEA, EUR/year  5400 EUR    

The tuition fee must be paid in advance of each academic year. The tuition fee is paid by using an invoice. The payment can be completed by the applicant herself/himself or by a third-party by using the reference number

Once the tuition fee for the first academic year of study is paid, we will send you a confirmation email, which you can attach to your residence permit application. We encourage you to submit your residence permit application documents as soon as possible.

In addition to possible tuition fees, you are usually required to independently cover your everyday living costs. You need to show that you have sufficient means of support as well as insurance when you apply for your student residence permit.

If you have any questions about the tuition fee payment, please contact us. Contact information is provided below.

Every Friday, we offer Q&A session at a time convenient for you and in the language of your choice – Latvian, English or Russian. Book a consultation here or write/call us directly, through the contacts listed below.

Е-mail: admission@tsi.lv
Тelephone: +371 29 990 841
WhatsApp: +371 29 990 841
Skype: infotsi

contact us

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