

On December 4, 2020, Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) organize the 38th Research and Academic Conference “Research and Technology – Step into the Future”.

Conference Topics:

  • Computer problems of the information society
  • Innovations and smart technologies in transport and logistics
  • Market: research, projects, technologies and problems of the modern economy

RaTSiF 2020 Agenda

The RaTSiF Conference is an annual event that provides a unique forum for young people to present their researches.

The purpose of the conference is to bring together young researchers of TTI and other institutions on the basis of mutual multidisciplinary scientific interests for obtaining breakthrough results of solution of tasks that are existing currently and will appear in the future.

The RaTSiF Conference is an annual event that provides a unique forum for young people to present their researches and to collaborate with their peers. All young academics involved in technical, economic and social research are invited to present a scientific talk describing their work. During the conference, each participant has an opportunity to find associates, strengthen lasting personal and professional relationships, to develop and improve their communication skills and to gain valuable experience in the environment of a scientific conference.

The Conference takes place twice a year.

Young researches, doctoral students, postgraduate students and students of the Latvian and foreign institutions are invited to participate.

Official languages of the conference are Latvian, Russian and English.


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