TSI starts cooperation with professor from Estonia Harald Kitzmann

Since April 2020 Transport and Telecommunication Institute starts long-term cooperation with foreign professor Harald Kitzmann from Estonia. From 24 April till 23 May 2020 prof. Kitzmann will deliver online lectures in the study course “Transport Economics” students of Master programme “Transport and Logistics”. The course aims to provide knowledge of how to evaluate economically the […]
Foreign academic staff delivers lectures online

Since 24 March Transport and Telecommunication Institute starts cooperation with foreign professor Vinod Kumar Verma from India. Till 9 April online lectures will be delivered in the frame of the course “System Programming” for various students’ groups of the study programme “Computer Science”. Continuation of the course is planned in May. The objective of this course […]
TSI continues cooperation with professor from Greece Eftychia Nathanail

Since March 2020 Transport and Telecommunication Institute continues long-term cooperation with foreign professor Eftychia Nathanail from Greece. On March 19-20, 2020 Eftychia Nathanail deliver online lectures in the course “Decision Making Methodologies” for various students’ groups in the study direction “Transport Services”, as well as for students of the master programme “Aviation Management”. Continuation of […]
Lectures in computer science and aviation management by guest professors in February

From February 21 till February 23 at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) guest lectures in airport management led by lecturer Romano Pagliari from United Kingdom. Dr Pagliari is a Senior lecturer in Air Transport in Cranfield University, author of various scientific projects and studies in the field of airport management, transport economics and planning, as well as […]
Lectures in computer science by guest professors in November

From November 25 at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) guest lectures in computer science led by professor Ashish Seth from India are ongoing. Dr Ashish Seth today is working as Associate Professor in School of Computer & Information Engineering in INHA University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, has more than 15 year experience of work in universities of Sultanate […]
Continues work on the project “Spatiotemporal urban traffic modelling using big data”

In Transport and Telecommunication Institute continues implementation of the project «Spatiotemporal urban traffic modelling using big data» (postdoc: Dr.sc.ing. Dmitry Pavlyuk). The project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the Post-doctoral Research Aid activity. As part of the project, the following activities were implemented: Results of the study “Towards […]
New academic year in TSI: additional teaching staff and new study courses

Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) continues to implement European Social Fund (ESF) project “Strengthening Transport and Telecommunication Institute Academic Staff in the Areas of Strategic Specialisation” (No, and as of September this year cooperation with many foreign lecturers has started. From September 16 guest professor from Portugal Shahid Mumtaz (Aveiro University) shall provide lectures at TSI, […]
Project „Integrated Model for Energy Generation, Distribution and Management” (Nr.

During my latest mobility to Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI, USA) a paper draft about Energy Exchange Model in Routed Grid was prepared, based on the discussions and meetings with high level HNEI specialists and researchers. Finally, a finalized paper with a title “Energy Exchange Model in Routed Energy Distribution Network” was prepared and submitted […]
Why do we participate in scientific conferences? (project, Spatiotemporal urban traffic modelling using big data)

Participation in scientific conferences is an integral part of research activities. Usually conferences last for 3-4 days, but presentation of every research has strict time limits (15-20 minutes for presentation and discussion). Although these minutes are important and preparation for them sometimes takes several days, the main goals of participation in the conference lay outside […]
Project «Integrated Model for Energy Generation, Distribution and Management» successfully continues with several important activities

Project «Integrated Model for Energy Generation, Distribution and Management» (postdoc: Dr.sc.ing. Tatiana Endrjukaite) successfully continues with several important activities: – April – June: mobility to Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI), US. During this mobility the research work on a routed smart grid model was performed. There were meetings and discussions with high level HNEI […]