Guest lecture of Latvian Business Angels Network LatBAN in TSI

students at class

On September 25th, LatBAN Chairman of the Board, Cyril Golub, conducted a special masterclass for the students at TSI.  After discussions and finding out more about raising investment from business angels and venture capital, TSI students had an opportunity to pitch their startup concepts and receive constructive feedback.  “Students displayed incredible drive and curiosity throughout […]

Kurss “SQL vaicājumi datubāzēm” VIAA pieaugušo izglītības projekta ietvaros ir beidzies!


Veiksmīgi noslēdzies kurss “SQL vaicājumi datubāzēm” Eiropas Savienības (ES) fonda projekta ietvaros no Valsts izglītības attīstības aģentūras. Kursa dalibnieki divās grupās ieguva jaunas zināšanas un prasmes, iepazīstoties ar tādām tēmām kā: Iespēja apgūt digitālās prasmes Mācību pieaugušajiem projekta 9. kārtas ietvaros notika Eiropas Savienības prasmju gada (#EuropeanYearOfSkills) ietvaros. Projekta Nr. “Nodarbināto personu profesionālās kompetences pilnveide” […]

The Latvian Chess Federation and TSI celebrate collaboration anniversary

king and qeen

Latvian Chess Federation and TSI, Transport and Telecommunication Institute, celebrated 5 years of cooperation. TSI supports the aspirations of youngsters, therefore tournaments organized by the Latvian Chess Federation are held in TSI, on a regular basis. In order to express their gratitude for successful cooperation and to inspire students to become chess athletes, the Latvian […]

TSI in QS World University Rankings: Europe 2024

world university ranking

QS World Rankings is an authoritative list with many, if not most, universities worldwide ranked based on many factors. QS Rankings are considered the most reliable by students for their authenticity and the methodology used by them. TSI, the only private Latvian university included in ranking, was rated highly by many factors in the recently […]

Welcome Week Overview

presentation in auditorium

Last week we officially kickstarted the new academic year with our freshmen. Youngsters solemnly became students of TSI, were greeted by the TSI government and explored campus and labs. New students had multiple insightful activities during the week, including: Welcome week ended in a traditional Freshmen Initiation organised by TSI Student Council – fun outdoor […]

Greetings to students!

students in auditorium

In a positive spirit of new beginnings, we welcomed and greeted freshmen this week. We would like to thank everyone who came and wish everyone to achieve their goals! Stay tuned for the news from this Welcome Week!

Guest lecture of ISEP university (France) in TSI


A guest lecture of Grande École d’Ingénieurs ISEP (France) took place in TSI, within the work frame of the Erasmus+ mobility programme. PhD Pierre Schott, professor of ISEP university led the unique lecture, where he introduced TSI students to the encryption process and alphanumeric text within its structure, using a real card deck.

Freshmen plant the trees

planting tree

Continuing an annual tradition, the TSI Student Council and freshmen jointly planted trees in the TSI courtyard, both to support a green lifestyle and to symbolize their attitude towards growth during their studies.

Highlights of the 24th TSI Anniversary

On September 6th, TSI celebrated its 24th anniversary. Members of the board and rectorate congratulated employees, professors, lecturers, guests, and everyone involved with TSI’s history and founding on the years of excellence, achievements, innovations, networking, and scientific discoveries.

Apply for the “Studētgods” scholarship!


Students have the opportunity to apply for the “Studētgods” scholarship, which is set at 175 euros for 10 months a year! Students eligible for the scholarship: To apply for a scholarship, students of these social groups must be enrolled in full-time undergraduate programs (study years 1-4). Conditions set for receiving the scholarship: The criteria are […]

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