How will a master’s degree in Aviation Management advance your career?

Has AI taken over aviation yet? How does the COVID-19 pandemic continue to impact flights? How does a master’s degree help someone face new challenges while building an aviation career? We’re discussing those and some other interesting topics with: The impact of new technologies, including digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (AI), on various spheres of life […]

Finding a niche: redirecting your career to aviation management

Passengers walking

Constantly updating your skill set is essential for staying in tune with aviation industry trends and updates. But in today’s rapidly evolving world, and in the field of aviation specifically, professional growth can be trickier to achieve than one may have thought. It doesn’t just revolve around “completing the advanced courses” or “negotiating a higher […]

Latvia Upgrades Competitiveness in the Industrial Market of Baltics: TSI University Unveils a Unique Lab


On March 26, an official grand-opening event for the AdditiveLab took place at TSI, Transport and Telecommunication Institute. During the event, leading business representatives, scientists, students and researchers had the opportunity to network, discussing the collaboration possibilities on the matter of innovative products, solutions and projects, and the new equipment, unique and sole of such […]

TSI studiju programmās integrē pasaules līmeņa augstskolu mācību materiālus

women looking at laptop

Novembrī Transporta un sakaru institūts (TSI) un mācību platforma Coursera atzīmēja viena gada sadarbības jubileju. Coursera sadarbojas ar vairāk nekā 275 vadošajām augstskolām un uzņēmumiem pasaulē, lai nodrošinātu elastīgu, pieejamu un augstas kvalitātes tiešsaistes mācību pieredzi. Pēdējā gada laikā TSI studentiem, kā arī pasniedzējiem bija pieejams plašs mācību iespēju klāsts tiešsaistē – no praktiskiem projektiem un kursiem līdz pat profesionāliem sertifikātiem. […]

The many benefits of a Master’s degree

People walking in an airport terminal

While working full time, it’s difficult to set hours, days or months aside to upgrade your career. Even finding a few minutes to give your future serious consideration can be a daunting challenge.  People already working in aviation may want to think about a Master’s degree, as well as those who dream about redirecting their […]

Artificial Intelligence: the final frontier in aviation?


In 2023, artificial intelligence permeates virtually every industry across the globe. Aviation is no exception with AI reaching new heights – literally. From commercial airlines and the armed forces to private charters and aircraft maintenance, AI has been embraced by multiple businesses, with some saying that this is just the tip of the iceberg. In […]

Big data in aviation management: revolutionizing decision-making


When it comes to the term ‘Big Data’, there are various interpretations and applications. Put simply, big data describes large, difficult to manage volumes of information, both structured and unstructured, that grow at ever-increasing rates. In the world of big data, experts refer to the ‘three v’s’ – volume, velocity and variety. A lot of […]

Girls in IT – a Challenge or the Future

It’s estimated that by 2030 women – IT specialists would only reach 22% of the total number of IT specialists worldwide. Although the overall trend of women in IT is slowly increasing, it can be seen as a signal to increase attention to girls’ involvement in this industry. In this article, we introduce the students of […]

Study in the UK, Live in Latvia!

The Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) in cooperation with the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) has jointly developed and offers double degree programmes, providing the opportunity to obtain a British education while studying in Riga. This means that when you graduate, you get two diplomas – both from TSI university and UWE Bristol. […]

A Master’s degree can be the key to a successful career in aviation

It prides itself on training highly qualified specialists for long-term and successful careers in aviation. And, with the support of leading professionals in the aviation industry, the Transport and Telecommunications Institute – TSI (Latvia) – provides a unique opportunity to those already working in aviation as well as new entrants. TSI has a long history […]

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