Although spring has already arrived, the Winter Graduation will take place at TSI on March 6th. We are sending sincere greetings to all graduates on the successful completion of their studies and wish them great success in their careers! We would like to introduce you to some of the graduates who have successfully defended their Bachelor’s and Master’s theses, and present a series of mini-interviews with them.
Our first hero is Lilia Daineko, a graduate of the master’s programme “Management of Information Systems”.
– Lilia, you worked in logistics but chose IT studies when you enrolled in the “Management of Information Systems” programme at TSI. Why?
– I have been working in the field of logistics for over 20 years. Studying the TSI master’s degree programme “Management of Information Systems” became possible for me after receiving a professional bachelor’s degree in the programme “Transport and Business Logistics”. Probably, each of us at some point in life feels the need to reassess his or her career and professional path. For me, such a trigger was the birth of my daughter. It was obvious that it was necessary to expand my professional competences and the IT direction was the most promising in this regard, and also meets my needs the best way, regardless of whether I stay in logistics or not.
It is not a secret for anyone how difficult period the Latvian logistics industry is going through. At the same time, in the IT sector the growth continues. Education under the “Management of Information Systems” programme is quite versatile and can be applied to managing IT projects in any industry, be it logistics, education or telecommunications. This is especially valuable in the context of gaining cross-industry communication skills. Therefore, the challenge was accepted, and the difficult everyday life of immersion in the new world of information technology began. I confess it was very difficult at first. New terminology, professional slang, and a large amount of specialized information, in addition to my daily work responsibilities, were a real challenge for me. Nevertheless, the support of my family, fellow students and lecturers, as well as a great desire to get a new profession, leveled all the difficulties and helped me to walk this road till the end.
– What did you like about the study process?
– I liked the versatile programme, as well as the fact that some courses are taught by professors invited from foreign universities. It was interesting that in some subjects, groups of IT students were combined with management and logistics students, which allowed each student to expand their social network. Some of the subjects involved the preparation and analysis of business cases, thanks to which each of us in a short time was able to cover a large volume of various topics that students in different programmes are working on. And, of course, I liked the attitude of the lecturers. At TSI, like nowhere else, you feel like a part of a big family.
– Has anything changed in your career during your studies?
– To pursue a career and study at the same time, you need additional resources. For myself, I made a decision that I will do everything step by step. First education, then moving up the career ladder. I consider my main achievement during the studies the change of mindset. High-quality education allows you to look differently even at everyday tasks, and also opens up new opportunities where, it seemed, they did not exist before, and IT education today is an advantage for a manager in almost any industry.
– What changes are you planning now, after graduation?
– After graduation, it will be necessary to learn how to live without constant studying, but I doubt that I will succeed 🙂 For some time I will rest and gather my thoughts. Then I will plan and develop my future career.