
Computer Science

Awarded academic degree: Bachelor of Natural Sciences in Computer Science

Complete study program volume: 160 CP | 240 ECTS

Possible forms of education and study languages:

  • Full-time – 4 years (latvian, english)
  • Part-time – 5 years (latvian, english)
  • Distant – 5 years (latvian, english)

Enrolment requirements: secondary school education

Admission Rules

“Build a Career in Software Development with a Bachelor in Computer Science Degree. Gain the skills and experience required to enter one of the fastest growing industries!”

Irina Pticina
Dr. sc. ing.
Irina Pticina
Director of the Programme

1st place among Latvian private universities in the field of computer science according to the recommendations by employers

For individuals, who…

wants the obtain knowledge and expertise in computer science to work in one of the many disciplines that require advanced computing techniques

Potential careers…

analysts / computer system engineers, customer oriented software development engineer, software engineers, web developer, information security specialists, testing engineers, QA engineer, automation architect, automation developer

Wants to obtain...

to define, describe and analyze practical problems in computer science

select the necessary information and use it to solve clearly defined problems

participate in software product development

demonstrate understanding of the place of Computer Science in a wider social context

take responsibility for participating in the software development project

About the Programme

One of the top recommended by employers programmes in Latvia offers a steady base for working in the field of IT. Analysing practical problems in computer science, participating in software product development, implementing knowledge & skills to practical solutions – the bachelor’s programme in computer science is one of the most sought after in the world. Trained scientists with fundamental knowledge in computer science, higher mathematics and computer technology can independently adapt to professional work in the conditions of a changing work environment. The programme is implemented in permanent and close cooperation with leading Latvian and international IT enterprises. Lectures and practical classes are conducted by world-wide experts. The knowledge gained allows graduates to tune with the job market & continue their professional and academic paths.

Tuition Fee

 Full timePart timeNEW! Distance learning
Duration4 years5 years5 years
Tuition fee EUR/year3500 EUR3500 EUR1800 EUR
Tuition fee for applicants from 🇱🇻 🇱🇹 🇪🇪 🇺🇦 🇪🇺 and EEA, EUR/year2700 EUR2200 EUR1800 EUR

Block A – Mandatory Courses

Cloud Computing & Internet of Things4.006.0
Computer Systems Structure8.0012.0
Data Structures and Algorithms4.006.0
Database and Data Banks4.006.0
Discrete Mathematics4.006.0
Higher Mathematics10.0015.0
Methods of Computer Processing of Statistical Data4.006.0
Numerical Methods in Computer Calculations4.006.0
Object-Oriented Programming4.006.0
Operating systems4.006.0
Optimization Methods2.003.0
Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics4.006.0
Programming Languages Concepts4.006.0
System Programming4.006.0
Systems Modelling4.006.0
Software Engineering6.009.0
Introduction to Speciality2.003.0
Labour Safety, Civil Defence and Environment Protection2.003.0
Professional English for Information Technologies6.009.0
Database and Data Banks (CP)2.003.0
Discrete Mathematics CP2.003.0
Group project2.003.0
Object-Oriented Programming CP2.003.0
Programming CW2.003.0
Bachelor’s Thesis (CS)10.0015.0

Block B – Specialization Courses

Blockchain Technologies4.006.0
Computer Graphics4.006.0
Computer Networks8.0012.0
Embedded Electronic Devices and Programming2.003.0
Functional Programming2.003.0
Introduction to Intelligence Systems4.006.0
Logical Programming2.003.0
Web Application Construction2.003.0
Application development with Java2.003.0
English for Career Management2.003.0
Foreign Language2.003.0
Foundations of Start up Development2.003.0
Introduction to Scientific Research2.003.0
Latvian Language2.003.0
Quantum Computing2.003.0

Block C – Elective Courses

Subject of Free Choice6.009.0

Alumni testimonials

Ivan Vishnyov
Around the globe
"Education helped me to shape my character. I was taught how to learn. I am creating solutions that are used around the globe."
Ivan Vishnyov, 
Engine Founder
Oleg Zenkov
Computer Science
"Transport and Telecommunication Institute "Computer Science" Programme provided all the necessary fundamental knowledge that equipped me with modern software development practices and related subjects, such as: programming languages, computer networks, system architecture and project management as well as mathematics. Thanks to the excellent academic staff at TTI for making it fun and easy. The valuable knowledge I gained equipped me with skills that I apply in my professional life as a Technical Director of an international software company which provides solutions for government electronic identity, payment cards and payment processing."
Oleg Zenkov, 
Technical director X INFOTECH Kenya
Alina Karpelceva
The higher I go...
"The higher I go in my developer career - the more I use and value strong theoretical base TSI gave me. Through institute I got great connections which pushed me to become an event organiser and contribute to spreading tech knowledge in Riga and beyond."
Alina Karpelceva, 
Shopify (Vilnius, Lithuania), Frontend Enginee, TechGirls (Riga, Latvia) - Co-founder, Board member

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