
TSI representatives visit universities in Lithuania, Italy, and Croatia

Transport and Telecommunication Institute is an active participant in various projects of the Erasmus+ and other mobility programmes – from student exchange to staff weeks and fairs.

Within the work frame of projects, TSI academic staff and students recently visited worldwide- acknowledged educational organizations and shared their experiences. Gaining inspiration, contacts, information exchange, and insights from international colleagues or educators, TSI representatives continue to successfully represent TSI university on the education worldwide arena.

We would like to express great gratitude to the following educational organizations for the invaluable experience and warm welcome:

  • Kaunas University of Applied Engineering Sciences (Lithuania) with its multi-international environment and extraordinary development of educational equipment in the field of aviation engineering;
  • University of Genoa (Italy) for inspirational connection between over-centuries heritage traditions & quality with the modern tendencies of industries, as well as for the opportunities to discuss intercultural education of today;
  • Algebra University College (Croatia) for integrating the acquaintance with technologies and software used for educational purposes, as well as for spreading awareness about the nowadays students’ needs along with experience share and AI trends in education.

We are grateful to all educational establishment representatives for hosting valuable events and creating and supporting a meaningful networking environment!

Thank you for the motivational experience!

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