The Laboratory for Modeling Machinery Mechanisms and Materials is organized at the Institute of Transport and Telecommunications to improve and develop engineering education, and also to contribute to the development of the creative abilities of students. The laboratory conducts theoretical and practical research in the field of transport and mechanical engineering. The main activities of the laboratory are related to structural, computational and strength, reliability-diagnostic and hydro-gas dynamic modeling.
Taks of laboratory:
- Conducting scientific and experimental research in the field of transport modeling and engineering of mechanisms, machines and materials
- Organization of scientific and practical seminars on modern problems and research in the field of modeling mechanisms and machines
- Development of experimental facilities to conduct research activities
- Involving students and academics in research and development, enhancing their creative abilities
- Participation in scientific and research projects, establishment of cooperation and partnership with organizations interested in joint research and projects
- Promotion of engineering education
Equipment: hydrostend for modeling processes in hydraulic systems.