This week, TSI is visited by representatives of Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom (UTH Radom) — professor Zbigniew Łukasik (Dr.h.c., Ph.D., DSc), professor Tomasz Perzyński (Ph.D., DSc, Dean of Faculty of Transport, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), and Daniel Pietruszczak (Ph.D., Eng., faculty Erasmus+ coordinator).
The visit of the Polish delegation happened within Erasmus+ project workframe. Professors of UTH Radom read lectures on topics connected with telematics, advanced mathematics, and computer science to local students, as well as to the exchange students that are currently studying at TSI.
Prior to lectures, professors of UTH Radom met with Professor, Dr. sc. ing. Aleksandr Grakovski, acting Dean of the Engineering Faculty, to discuss the matters of education of STEM specialists.
Let this event develop international relations between our universities to ensure the highest quality of education for future specialists!