
The 43rd Research and Technology Conference – RaTSiF-2023, in TSI

On April 21st, 2023, TSI hosted the 43rd Research and Academic Conference “Research and Technology – Step into the Future” or RaTSiF-2023.

The agenda of the conference featured presentations from TSI’s leading representatives and guest lecturers on topics such as Generative AI in the Study Process, the eMediator Project, and AI in Agile Project Management.

Sessions included in the conference additionally, were aimed at the following topics:

  • Computer Problems of the Information Society,
  • Innovations and Smart Technologies in Transport and Logistics,
  • Market: Research, Projects, Technologies, and Problems of the Modern Economy,
  • iDEAHUB Innovation Project Presentations.

The conference took place in TSI, with a format both in person and online, with the inner live broadcast.

The event brought together a group of esteemed professionals, researchers, and practitioners in the various engineering fields to share insights and learnings on the latest developments and achievements.

– Dr.Sc.ing. Mohammad Soltani, invited lecturer.

RaTSiF-2023 konference ir lieliska arēna, lai izaicinātu idejas un konfrontētu sevi ar citiem ekspertiem transporta, mākslīgā intelekta un loģistikas jomā.

– TSI Ph.D. programme student, Francesco Maria Turno.

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