On October 19th, 2023, a seminar on the preliminary results of the ERASMUS+ eMEDIATOR project was held at TSI within the workframe of the 23rd International Multi-Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication.
The project is implemented by a consortium of 5 European universities: Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia) – project leader, University of Ioannina (Greece), University of Murcia (Spain), Aalen University (Germany), University of Lodz (Poland).
During the seminar, moderated by Prof. Dr. sc. ing. Boriss Misnev and Prof. Dr. sc. ing., Dr. habil. sc. ing. Igor Kabashkin, models of the proposed digital mobile education platform developed within the project were presented and discussed.
Presentation of the DEMO portal was of particular interest, demonstrating the main functions of the proposed educational ecosystem. The results obtained during the discussions were highly appreciated and it was recommended to continue research in this direction. It was proposed to focus on the use of artificial intelligence as a promising tool for the transformation of higher education.This research was supported by the EU grant of ERASMUS+ project “Ecosystem for European Education Mobility as a Service: Model with Portal Demo (eMEDIATOR)”, Agreement No 2021-1-LV01-KA220-HED000027571.