The networking event of EU projects DIGITEKA and AutoRade took place in TSI premises at the end of November. TSI takes part in both projects, which are focused on digitization and optimization of the study process, in accordance with both modern trends and the requirements of the job market. The event was opened by the humanoid robot NAO, TSI mascot, who led a presentation on TSI. The purpose of the presentation was not only to inform guests about TSI, but also to demonstrate the capabilities of the robot NAO to conduct lectures, as one of the examples of digitization. Also, during the meeting, representatives from each project presented their achievements.
“It was a pleasure to hear that within the framework of the project, it was achievable to create unique for Latvia courses, and to significantly raise the level of digitization of the materials, through the use of chatbots, virtual reality, as well as with the adaptation of the Minecraft game for the study process” – comments TSI vice-rector for academic and research, Dr. sc. ing. Mihail Savrasov.
After an intensive discussion of project results, a round table discussion was organised, within the framework of which the project partners had the opportunity to talk about the application of GenAI in the study process and how partner organisations find related solutions.
The purpose of the Digiteka project, “Digitalizācijas iniciatīvas studējošo iesaistei un studiju kvalitātes pilnveidei Latvijas Universitātē un projekta sadarbības partneru augstskolās” (Nr.:, is to develop and implement digital study course materials to promote students’ digital skills development. By integrating the given tools in the study process, instructors will be able to optimise the training process, as well as prepare young people for systematic work with IT tools.
On the other hand, the goal of the AutoRade or “Automatizācijas rīki radošajām industrijām AutoRade” (Nr. project is the creation of study materials and tools for learning digital skills, including various methodologies and technologies, as well as laboratories and events.
The projects were implemented between the consortium of leading Latvian universities and representatives of the business industry. The meeting at TSI was the last meeting before the final results of the project, where guests from other universities visited TSI and got acquainted with the modern equipment of TSI laboratories, including the new TSI lab – Additive Lab. TSI laboratories, especially in the field of IT, electronics and robotics, are a dynamic environment where students and teachers will be able to realize and apply the expected project results.
These labs serve as a dynamic environment where students can apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. From computer programming to electronics, these labs offer an immersive learning environment, enhancing practical skillset that is critical to success in the technology industry.