Research project No. “Development of Model of Smart Economy in Smart City” successfully continues with several activities

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Research project No. “Development of Model of Smart Economy in Smart City” (postdoc: Dr.oec. Jelena Popova) successfully continues with several activities: June – beginning of July 2020: preparation of presentation for the 6th International Scientific Symposium “Economics, Business & Finance”. There were considered the specific features of smart city in terms of sustainability concept. […]

Continues work on the project “Spatiotemporal urban traffic modelling using big data”

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Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions, in Transport and Telecommunication Institute continues implementation of the project «Spatiotemporal urban traffic modelling using big data» (postdoc: Dmitry Pavlyuk). The project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the Post-doctoral Research Aid activity. As part of the project, the following activities […]

New multi-disciplinary HORIZON 2020 project: 36 partners incl. 10 universities from 4 continents

On 07 May 2020 Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) together with internationally recognized research and business entities signed a grant agreement with the European Commission for the implementation of a project “Enhanced Physical Internet-Compatible Earth-frieNdly freight Transportation answer – ePIcenter” in the total amount of EUR 6 848 575,00 as part of the EU Research and Innovation […]

Intelligent Transport and Transport Management study module (INTELTRANS)

Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) together with 2 partners from Central Baltic region started their common project “Intelligent Transport and Transport Management study module (INTELTRANS)” implementation. This project is co-funded by the European Commission’s under the INTERREG Central Baltic programme. The Head of the project from TSI side – Prof. Igor Kabashkin. The overall objective […]

Continues work on the project “Spatiotemporal urban traffic modelling using big data”

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In Transport and Telecommunication Institute continues implementation of the project «Spatiotemporal urban traffic modelling using big data» (postdoc: Dmitry Pavlyuk). The project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the Post-doctoral Research Aid activity. As part of the project, the following activities were implemented: Study “Make It Flat: Multidimensional […]

Experimental Studies (project, Spatiotemporal urban traffic modelling using big data)

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Experimental studies are an integral part of modern science, but nature of experiments vary in different scientific areas. Methodological studies (like project «Spatiotemporal urban traffic modelling using big data», executor: Dmitry Pavlyuk) are devoted to enhancing existing models and development of new ones, and experiments in this area are almost purely computational. Our […]

Students of TSI Aviation Management Participate in an International Project Spread Your Wings/SYW

On March 9–10, 2020, at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) was held a meeting of managers of an international project 017-1-PL01-KA203-038782 Spread Your Wings/SYW. This project is implemented by three higher educational institutions – University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Poland, Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI), Latvia and Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Lithuania. The […]

TSI starts cooperation with professor from Estonia Harald Kitzmann

Since April 2020 Transport and Telecommunication Institute starts long-term cooperation with foreign professor Harald Kitzmann from Estonia. From 24 April till 23 May 2020 prof. Kitzmann will deliver online lectures in the study course “Transport Economics” students of Master programme “Transport and Logistics”. The course aims to provide knowledge of how to evaluate economically the […]

Foreign academic staff delivers lectures online

Since 24 March Transport and Telecommunication Institute starts cooperation with foreign professor Vinod Kumar Verma from India. Till 9 April online lectures will be delivered in the frame of the course “System Programming” for various students’ groups of the study programme “Computer Science”. Continuation of the course is planned in May. The objective of this course […]

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