TransBaltica 2023

The conference TransBaltica 2023 took place on May 26, 2023, where multiple highly recognized professionals – experts in the field of transport and logistics – participated as the speakers at the event. One of them was professor, Dr. sc. ing. Irina Yatskiv, Chairwoman of the Board of TSI. This conference’s uniqueness and value lies in […]
eMEDIATOR dissemination workshop

Last week, TSI hosted a dissemination workshop within eMEDIATOR project work frame (Erasmus+). The workshop was aimed at gaining knowledge and spreading awareness about the creation of an advantageous education environment or “Ecosystem for European Education Mobility as a Service: Model with Portal Demo.” The long-term and main goal is to create an ecosystem with […]
Papers from RelStat-22 have been published in the Springer Lecture Notes in “Network and Systems” series

We are pleased to inform you that the book of selected papers from the 22nd International Conference on „Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication” (RelStat -2022) has been published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Network and Systems and are available HERE. Sincerely congratulate all authors with publication and invite to participate in RelStat-23!
WeTransform Project

WeTransform Horizon Project meeting of the focus group with the support of the Latvian association “Women in Transportation” took place in Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI). Female specialists in Transport and Logistics sector met in TSI to discuss matters related to workforce development future scenarios. The meeting was held by TSI Chairwoman of the Board, Chief […]
It happened! The awards of iDEAHUB with the money fund of 8 000 euros!

The final event of the first stage of the iDEAHUB project of the TSI business incubator and the awarding of the winners with a cash prize fund of 8 000 euros took place at the “Skola” exhibition in Ķipsala, on March 3, 2023. The event and presentation of awards took place on the open stage, […]
Erasmus+ : INGENIOUS workshop at TSI

The workshop of the INGENIOUS project recently hosted by TSI within the framework of Erasmus + unpacked the crucially important topics of modern education. The strengthening of the skills of educators in matters of competence and advanced training, as well as its close connection with universal digitalization, were considered within the framework of the workshop. […]
In September, October, November the following activities were conducted in project “Development of Model of Smart Economy in Smart City”

During these three months the following activities were implemented within the frameworks of the project: Scientific work included research of statistical models used in the field of smart economy, researching the scientific literature to identify barriers and drivers of smart governance implementation in a smart city, researching the scientific literature on identifying the positive and […]
Automation tools for the creative industries, “AutoRade”

Period: 31.10.2022 – 31.12.2023 2022. gada 26. oktobrī Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību “Ekonomikas un kultūras augstskola” (EKA) un Centrālā finanšu un līgumu aģentūra (CFLA) parakstīja līgumu Nr. par ERAF projekta “Automatizācijas rīki radošajām industrijām AutoRade” realizāciju. Projekta ilgums būs 14 mēneši no 31.10.2022. līdz 31.12.2023. un projektā Ekonomikas un kultūras augstskola ieviesīs digitalizācijas iniciatīvas partnerībā ar Latvijas Universitāti, Transporta un […]
Successfully completed the first half of the eMEDIATOR project

The tasks of the first half of the eMEDIATOR project were successfully completed – the main ecosystem models for the provision of mobile education were developed, based on a competency-based approach. Project partners provided reports that contain descriptions of Service Delivery Model (Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Latvia), Learning Delivery Mode (University of Lodz, Poland), Organizational […]
Extended Application Call for the iDEAHUB Innovation Project Competition!

Taking into account the great interest, The Centre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship “iDEAHUB”extends the application call for the innovation project competition! iDEAHUB in partnership with Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) has launched the 3rd Call for Innovation Projects’ Applications! The aim of the iDEAHUB is to promote the implementation of student innovation applications, which develops […]