The Latvian Open School Championship in Intellectual Game “What? Where? When?” Took Place at the TSI

On Saturday, 7 May 2022, the XVI Latvian Pupils Championship, also known as the XII Latvian Open School Pupils’ Championship in intellectual games, took place at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI). It was indeed a long-awaited event, as due to the pandemic the last championship was only held in 2019. This year, teams from Riga, […]
TSI Olympiad Results

The award ceremony for the winners of the annual Olympiad of the Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) 2022 took place on April 14, 2022. Considering the results of the TSI Olympiad, the winners of the grand prizes, who won 3 grants for studies at TSI became known! Engineering Science Social Sciences 1st Place: Rasma Sandra […]
TSI Robotic Tournament on December 14th!

On December 14, at Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) will take place annual TSI Robotic Tournament, within the framework of the Latvian Robotics Championship, which is one of the biggest events of robotics enthusiasts and youth technical creativity interest clubs in Latvia. Robot building enthusiasts will have the opportunity to demonstrate their and their robot’s skills and […]
RaTSiF-2019 35. zinātniski praktiskā un mācību metodiskā konference

35. zinātniski praktiskā un mācību metodiskā konference Zinātne un tehnoloģija – solis nākotnē