
Spring Semester Greeting for Students

Dear students!

We have spent the whole year of 2020, as well as the autumn semester and examination session of this academic year in a difficult epidemiological and organizational situation. The Covid-19 epidemic has created many additional challenges to the study process and to people’s social and personal lives. However, I would like to emphasize here that the entire team of students, teachers and staff of the Transport and Telecommunication Institute has tried to cope with these challenges in the most organized, innovative, and professional manner. Thanks everyone for that!

In particular, I would like to note here the extraordinary loyalty of our students to their university. By overcoming the complications of remote learning, financial and mobility restrictions you have shown real patriotism and willingness to continue and complete your studies at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute. We value it very much and will do our best to help each student to go his/her way from scholar to certified specialist!

I wish you all a successful and safe new semester and the whole 2021! May you succeed in realizing all your plans and intentions!

Respectfully yours, Juris Kanels
Acting rector of the Transport and Telecommunication Institute

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