We thank all the applicants for participating at the first iDEAHUB project call.
The project applications of eight teams met administrative criteria and now will be evaluated further by the jury. The iDEAHUB teammates are looking forward to working with the teams who applications will be accepted, and we will keep you posted on how it is going on!
Meanwhile, iDEAHUB is preparing special courses upon Innovation Management and Design Thinking. If you feel yourself willing firstly to learn more about the innovations and get certificates or you may consider applying for the next iDEAHUB project call, those will be for you! More detailed information about the dates and times of the sessions will follow, as courses to be launched shortly!
Stay tuned and follow innovation with iDEAHUB – the Сentre of innovation and Entrepreneurship at TSI!
You can find out more about the activities of the iDEAHUB project HERE.
The project will be implemented until 30 November 2023 and foresees investments of EUR 543 024.91, of which the European Regional Development Fund supports EUR 461 571.17 (85%) and private funding is EUR 81 453.74 (15%).