Research initiative for Enhancing and Adapting Workforce SKILLs for Implementing TraNsport Automation with Employment Growth (RESKILLING)

Period: 01.01.2025
- 31.12.2027
Programme: Horizon Europe



Dr. sc. ing.
Irina Yatskiv
Engineering Faculty
Irina Yatskiv
+371 67100665

Academic degree and current position in TSI: professor, leading researcher of the Engineering Faculty, Director of MSc Program “Transport and Logistics”

Previous experience: more than 10 years was Vice-rector for Research and Development, Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI), founder of the Laboratory of Applied Systems and chair of Mathematical Methods and Modelling Department in TSI

Membership: From 01.2017 member of ECTRI Board and from 2019 – vice-president of ECTRI; an external scientific expert in Association of Paneuropa Coach Terminals from 2009; has been chair or member of the organizing and the programme committees of the International Conference on Applied Statistics (6 events), Transportation Research (15 events), Complex Systems (4 events), etc. and reviewer in transportation journals and conference proceedings. Member of Editorial Board of Journals: Transport (WoS, SCOPUS); Maintenance and Reliability (SCOPUS), Transport and Telecommunication (WoS, SCOPUS), etc. Guest redactor of Volumes of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems and Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure in Springer; Procedia Engineering published by Elsevier etc.

Academic experience: Author more than 170 publications, incl. 9 books and textbooks, chapters in the books “From Transit Systems to Models: Purpose of Modelling” in book: “Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems” (Springer Verlag, 2016), “3D City Models and urban information: Current issues and perspectives” (edpsciences, 2014), papers in International Journal of Transport, Transport and Telecommunication, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, etc. Guest redactor of Volumes of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems and Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure in Springer; Procedia Engineering published by Elsevier etc. An Expert in Transport and Logistics (2008-2021) and Civil Engineering (from 2021) at the Latvian Council for Science; member of the PhD promotion committee

Teaching at post- and graduate levels: Data Analysis (PhD in Business Management, RSEBAA-BA); Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Transport Modelling, Scientific Seminar (Dr. Ing. in Telematics and Logistics, TSI); Data Mining (MSc in Computers Science, MIS, TSI); Research Seminar; Methods of Data Analysis and Business Forecasting (MSc in Transport and Logistics, TSI); etc.

Participation in projects: as leading researcher has participated in more than 20 European and Latvian research projects and more than 14 national transportation studies, and was scientific coordinator in 8 of them. Is/was national representative and management committee member of COST Actions CA16222 (WISE-ACT), TU1306 (CYBERPARKS), TU1004, TU0903, TU0804 and TU0801. Has great experience in coordinating different kind of projects in frame of Horizon 2020, FP, INTERREG, BSR programmes, she was coordinator of Horizon 2020 project “Enhancing excellence and innovation capacity in sustainable transport interchanges” (ALLIANCE)

Research interest: Data analysis, data mining, statistical analysis, mathematical modelling and simulation with application in different fields (transportation sphere, business, economics, networks, logistics and others)

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses: Promoted 6 Doctoral, more than 90 Master theses and 70 Bachelor theses an official reviewer of 7 PhD theses

Awards: (2019) by Ministry of Education and Science; (2017, 2010, 2008) Latvian Education Funds; (2011, 2010, 2008) Riga Municipality

Project manager: Karina Timofejeva

Acronym of the project: RESKILLING

Short description of the project:

The RESKILLING project aims to prepare the workforce of Europe’s mobility sector to effectively adapt to the challenges and opportunities introduced by Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) technologies. It focuses on ensuring inclusiveness, fostering social innovation, and equipping workers with the skills needed to navigate a shifting labor landscape while supporting the growth and competitiveness of the European economy.

RESKILLING envisions to implement a strategic approach, which will empower the workforce and businesses of Europe’s mobility (of people and goods) sector, to effectively cope with the anticipated changes in the sector from CCAM deployment, but also to actively participate in advancing and refining the sector. For this to be achieved, RESKILLING will propose, implement, apply and validate a comprehensive approach, guided by inclusivity, co-creation, and social innovation principles, which will efficiently and sustainably coordinate a range of novel services and tools, fostering optimal adaptation of the mobility sector (covering both people and goods) to the deployment of CCAM solutions and services. This will range from analysing the socio-economic and employment impacts of CCAM across the entire value chain to facilitate businesses and workers in mitigating drawbacks and leveraging opportunities brought about by CCAM deployment. It involves innovating business models and employing mechanisms and training tools for skill enhancement and adaptation, with an emphasis on their replication and transferability potential and customized scalability for adoption throughout the EU. RESKILLING aspires to create a CCAM innovation system capable of not only generating innovation but also delivering solutions to societal challenges.

Main leading and partners:
The project includes 20 primary partners, such as CERTH (Greece), VTI (Sweden), POLIS (Belgium), and TTI (Latvia), among others, alongside associated partners like IRF. The consortium involves research institutes, universities, private companies, and international organizations to ensure expertise across transportation, workforce development, and CCAM innovation. This consortium exhibits a balanced representation of European regions, as evidenced by the case studies being conducted in North (Sweden), Central (Germany), South (Greece, Spain), and Eastern (Latvia) Europe.

Coordinator of the project – CERTH (Centre for Research & Technology Hellas) –plays a pivotal role in managing the overall direction and execution of the RESKILLING initiative. As a leading research institute, it contributes expertise in technological advancements and socio-economic assessments related to CCAM.

Partners from European/International Associations: These encompass POLIS, UITP, FEHRL, ECTRI, EURNEX, and IRF. Through these associations, the consortium gains access to a wide spectrum of stakeholders, including the broader transport research sector, public transport operators, road infrastructure operators, municipalities, cities, industrial and standardization bodies, and diverse SMEs.

Partners from Industry: This category features VDI/VDE-IT, DBL, ECORYS, AlgoWatt, Bax, Beceptum, 3DHUB.  Notably, 6 of these partners are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), contributing a valuable entrepreneurial perspective.

Research & Education Partners: CERTH, VTI, VUB, ZLC, CTL, LIST, and TSI. They bring substantial expertise in research and education to the initiative.

These partners collectively ensure the integration of industry insights with educational frameworks to meet the evolving needs of the CCAM workforce and business ecosystem. Let me know if you need a more detailed breakdown!

As one of the project partners, TTI (Transport and Telecommunication Institute) plays a critical role in knowledge exchange, stakeholder collaboration, and educational development. It contributes to designing reskilling strategies, ensuring local adaptability, and aligning educational efforts with the needs of the mobility sector in Latvia and beyond.

The first kick-off meeting is scheduled on 5-6th February 2025 in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Total budget of the project: EUR 1 999 815.62

This project has received funding from the European Commission under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101147328

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