Professor Igors Kabaskins Has Been Awarded the Title of State Emeritus Scientist

Igor Kabaskin

On October 1, 2021, the Council of the State Emeritus Scientists by the Latvian Academy of Sciences awarded the title of State Emeritus Scientist to Professor Igors Kabaskins (read more: Granted the status of the State Emeritus Scientist).

The title of State Emeritus Scientist is awarded annually to outstanding, internationally recognized scientists. It is the state’s gratitude for the productive work in scientific research, for the preparation of the change of young scientists to ensure the succession of generations in Latvian science.

On behalf of the staff of the Transport and Telecommunication Institute, from the bottom of our hearts we congratulate Professor Igors Kabaskins on this high appreciation of his research and academic work, and wish him strong health, inexhaustible energy and new creative success in scientific work!

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