
New PhD Programme!

One of the core values held by the Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) is excellence in research and given the rapid development of science and technology, the demand for new high-level specialists grows significantly. In that regard, we are pleased to present a new PhD programme “Digital Economy and Business”. 

This PhD programme offers disciplines that reflect the modern digital environment in the field of finance, production, trade, formulation of new knowledge and skills in the field of economics, business and promotes the competitiveness of the graduates of the program in the market not only in Latvia, the EU, but also worldwide.

The program is offered in Latvian with the guest lecturers in English.

“The program is intended for those who work or are interested in project management for the implementation of digital technologies

The program is designed for those who work or are interested in project management for the implementation of digital technologies, prepares business and society for digital transformation, is capable of fast transfer and adaptation of foreign technological solutions, generates public demand for digital technologies, who plan to conduct serious research, participate in international conferences and make new discoveries in the breakthrough direction of the 21st century – digitalization” – comments Inna Stecenko, professor at the TSI and the director of the new program.

A PhD studies is much more than the most advanced qualification in your specialist area of study. Successfully completing a Ph.D. is proof that you have mastered a set of transferable and highly desirable skills and qualities such as critical analysis, project management, high-level problem-solving, leadership and mentoring, challenging and providing alternative perspectives on received wisdom, advanced research, and presentation skills, self-confidence, determination, and persistence. Ph.D. graduates have more successful careers and they brings innovation and enterprise to the table at the workplace.

More information about the program will follow shortly.

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