Course Information

Course TitleLabour Safety, Civil Defence and Environment Protection
Course CodeC-142-04
ECTS Credits3.00
Faculty/unitTransport and Management Faculty
FieldEnvironmental sciences
Course TypeStandard
Course LeaderIshmuhametov Ishgalei - Dr. psych. guest associate professor
AnnotationThe purpose of the course is to provide and promote students’ understanding, refine knowledge, facilitate skills and attitude on civil protection issues. Course examines the role of civil protection system in Latvia (also its framework in the EU and NATO), the organization and management structure, and main tasks of the system’s subjects. The course explores the disaster management principles and planning aspects, analyses the legal and practical measures of cooperation among state, local government and other stakeholders during disaster situations, opportunities of involvement of resources. Course gives an insight on possible daily dangerous situations and threats, considers and provides safe behavior principles and actions during such situations. The course describes the role, aim and task of early warning and notification system. The course is developed in accordance to the Latvian national legislation prescribed for minimum requirements for the content of civil protection studies.
AimThe purpose of the course is to provide and promote students’ understanding, refine knowledge, and facilitate the development of skills and attitudes regarding civil defense, labor protection and environmental protection issues.
LO1To understand the specifics of civil defense, labor protection, and environmental protection issues in Latvia and the European Union, as well as the principles of first aid
LO2To know the structure, legal framework, organization, and management of the civil protection system, including the roles, rights, and responsibilities of various stakeholders
LO3To know the principles and procedures for providing and receiving international assistance in civil protection and emergency situations
LO4To be able to analyze the management of hazardous objects, including the responsibilities and rights of their owners or legal holders, and apply the requirements for the storage and transportation of hazardous substances
LO5To be capable of applying knowledge of the behavior and organization of the civil protection system in potentially hazardous situations, and establish principles of safe behavior based on the nature and type of the emergency
LO6To be able to provide first aid in emergency situations, such as stopping severe bleeding and performing resuscitation measures, and effectively call for assistance
Required Literature
  • 1. State Fire and Rescue Service Republic of Latvia
  • Online:
  • 2. Online:
  • 3. Redcross. Online:
  • 4. Gowing N., “Skyful of Lies and Black Swans: the new tyranny of shifting information power in crises”. Univeristy of Oxford, 2009., 94.lpp.
  • 5. Wendling, C., J. Radisch and S. Jacobzone (2013), “The Use of Social Media in Risk and Crisis Communication”, OECD Working Papers on Public Governance, No. 24, OECD Publishing. Online:
Assessment MethodTo assess the learning outcomes of this course, several types of activities are provided: Self-control tests by topics: These are used as a formative type of knowledge assessment, designed for continuous self-assessment of the knowledge acquired by the student. They help students identify areas where they need further study. Examination/Final test: The course concludes with an exam aimed at evaluating both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills that the student has acquired throughout the course. The exam/test will be available only if all self-control tests by topics have been completed with more than 75% accuracy (with the possibility of multiple attempts).
Independent studyStudent independent work is organized as follows: 1) Students study primary and additional materials by working with recommended sources of information, which helps deepen their knowledge and understanding of the topic; 2) Completing self-control tests reinforces the material and prepares students for the final assessment; 3) In the Digital Laboratory, students use the Minecraft Education Edition program to study materials; 4) They also engage in analyzing and researching current issues related to the course, presenting their findings on forums; 5) Participation in online discussions allows them to discuss course topics, exchange opinions, and receive feedback; 6) Preparation for the exam includes systematic review of the studied material. These activities contribute to the development of independent skills and deepen understanding of the course content.
First Sit ElementsElement Weighting, %Group WorkLinks to Results
Reports100 LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6

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