Latvian State Scholarships for Foreign Students – Apply Now


Latvia offers scholarships to foreign students, researchers and teaching staff for studies, research and participation in summer schools in Latvian higher education institutions (HEIs) in the 2021/2022 academic year. To apply for a scholarship, you should register in the System fill an application form online and attach all necessary documents. The system will require following documents […]

Alumni Event

Dear Alumni, Every year, at the end of January, we traditionally hold an Alumni Event. Considering the current epidemiological situation in Latvia and in the world, we have decided not to hold the Alumni Event this year. The health and safety of our alumnus, students, professors and friends is our highest priority! We look forward […]

Winter Intake Continues

The Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) Winter Intake continues for applicants from Latvia and EU until January 31, 2021! Select a study form that suits you best: full-time studies – day or evening, part-time – on Saturdays or in the form of modules, as well as distance learning. Admission to distance learning programs is open throughout […]

Take the Opportunity – an Innovative Approach in Master’s Degree

Master Plus is a modern and innovative education with a unique curriculum which proposes in-depth experience in chosen master’s study program. Unlike other more traditional programs, this track presents distinctive opportunity to receive advices and individual consultations from mentors from their professional experience and knowledge. In the frame of the course students will receive valuable mentoring opportunities […]

Elected Members of the Academic Staff of TSI!

TSI Accademic staff

Congratulations to colleagues on their election to the academic position of the Engineering Faculty: Congratulations to colleagues, on their election to the academic position of the Transport and Management Faculty: Congratulations to all on your academic achievements and we wish you further success!

Student, please take into account!

letter i

According to the Cabinet of Ministers order no. 655 “On the declaration of a State of Emergency” and Cabinet of Ministers rules No. 360 “Epidemiological safety measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 infection”, starting from Monday, December 21st, 2020 to January 11th, 2021, please take into account: all lectures, practical work in laboratories and […]

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Happy holidays

The Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) sends you all warm greetings and may your Christmas be filled with peace and happiness, and the New Year brings the success ahead! Please pay attention to the changes of the Working hours of Institute for the Christmas holidays: 23.12.2020 TSI Student Experience and Retention Department from 8.30 a.m. to […]

TSI has entered the QS EECA University Rankings

The Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) is the only private higher education institution from Latvia which was included in the ranking list of the international QS University Rankings in Emerging Europe & Central Asia (EECA). TSI also in previous years’  was entered this ranking and this year it took 351-400 place. The leader of the ranking is the […]

Elected associate professor in the TSI!

Dmitrij Bancerov

Congratulations to colleague, for election to the position of associate professor of Engineering Faculty: Dr.phys. Dmitrij Bocarov We wish you success in future!

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