Lursoft Guest Lecture on October 18 – Using the Company’s Database for Research and Work

Next Tuesday, October 18th, 2022, a guest lecture by our cooperation partner Lursoft will take place at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI). The main goal is to inform about using the company’s database for research and work. The lecture is intended for bachelor’s study programme students – Transport and Business Logistics and Business and Management. The guest lecture will be held in Latvian and English.

Lursoft is one of the biggest IT companies in Latvia with over 20 years of experience providing access not only to the national legal information database but also providing a range of services,  which allows entrepreneurs to develop more successful analytical services, monitoring, and other business solutions.

Guest lecture: Using the Company’s Database for Research and Work
Company: Lursoft
Date: 18/10/2022
10.30 Lecture for the ENG group – I aud.
12.30 Lecture for the LV group – II aud.
Venue: Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI), Lomonosova street 1, Riga

All students of the bachelor’s study programmes Transport and Business Logistics and Business and Management are invited!

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