
Computer  Science: Software Engineering

Awarded academic degree: Master of Natural Sciences in Computer Science

Complete study program volume: 80 CP | 120 ECTS / 60 CP | 90 ECTS

Possible forms of education and study languages:

  • Full-time – 2 years / 1.5 years (latvian, english)
  • Part-time – 2.5 years / 2 years (latvian, english)

Enrolment requirements: Second level professional higher education or Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Informatics, Mathematics or Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Information and Communication Technology with at least 6CP of programming and at least 4CP of database technology and a minimum of 4 years of Bachelor’s studies with at least 160CP.

Admission Rules

“Computing is presented in all aspects of the society, and the demand is insatiable. Emerging technologies are changing our life so quickly that there are many opportunities available for specialists in this area”

Dr. sc. ing.
Dmitry Pavlyuk
Director of the Programme
For individuals, who…

wants to develop new technologies and innovative solutions of tomorrow

curious about emerging technologies in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Software Engineering

allways looking for the best solutions to solve complex problems

likes to overcome challenges and complex problems with IT solutions

Potential careers…

the expert in emerging technologies to solve complex problems in any area of human life, by leading and developing advanced IT solutions

Wants to obtain...

realise himself as qualified professional in field of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Software Engineering

develop and apply innovative technologies for sorting out society problems, to support digital transformation of the world

deal with complex IT challenges and succesfully overcome them by applying deep knowledge in computer science

lead IT solutions development in different areas

About the Programme

Programme is designed for those who aim to lead and develop innovative IT solutions and become experts in cutting-edge technology. Graduates of this programme can also establish themselves as qualified professionals in the fields of software engineering and modern IT operations. The programme includes advanced aspects of classical computer science and emerging technologies, thereof, in preparing professionals for a successful career.The Master’s study programme trains students by deepening their knowledge and practical skills in the rapidly developing computer science technologies. The programme includes basic aspects of computer sciences and practical application thereof in preparing professionals for a successful career in research and development. The study programme provides a unique set of courses led by the best local and international professors and specialists. Joining the programme allows you to gain international experience from professors from the University of Deusto (Spain), University of Electro-Communications (Tokyo), etc. After successful completion of the study programme, students will be able to work in the IT field using the latest computer science technologies, manage IT project development groups as well as develop data products and IT solutions based on artificial.

Short video about the programme

Blended mode

Study mode

Foreseen schedule


Foreseen efforts

(per week)

Theoretical classes: Remote \ Synchronous mode

Tuesday-Thursday (18.15-21.30),
2 evenings per week as per schedule

2-4 classes (4-8 ac.h)

Tutorials, practical classes, seminars, discussions, groupwork: Face-to-Face mode

Friday evenings (18.15-21.30)  + Saturdays (8.45-15.45), weekly

4-6 classes (8-12 ac.h)

Independent individual or group studies

Within a semester
(including exam sessions)

20 ac.h in average

Tuition Fee

 Full timePart timeDistance learning
Duration1.5 years2 years 
Tuition fee EUR/year4500 EUR4500 EUR 
Tuition fee for applicants from 🇱🇻 🇱🇹 🇪🇪 🇺🇦 🇪🇺 and EEA, EUR/year2700 EUR2700 EUR 

Block A – Mandatory Courses

BigData: from Data to Product2.003.0
BigData: LifeCycle2.003.0
Cybersecurity and data protection4.006.0
Data Mining4.006.0
Intelligent Systems-12.003.0
Modern Database Technologies6.009.0
Modern Software Engineering4.006.0
Research Methodology2.003.0
Research Seminar I2.003.0
Research Seminar II2.003.0
Master Thesis20.0030.0

Block B – Specialization Courses

Computer Vision and Image Processing4.006.0
Enterprise Information Systems4.006.0
Intelligent Systems-24.006.0
Quality Models of Software and Information Systems (QM SIS)4.006.0
Requirements management4.006.0
Theory of System and System Analysis4.006.0
Labour Safety, Civil Defence and Environment Protection2.003.0
Latvian Language2.003.0

Block C – Elective Courses

Subject of Free Choice 6 9.0

Study programme is supported by:

accenture logo
X InfoTech logo
C.T.Co logo
Emergn logo

Alumni testimonials

Aleksandra Karnakova
Coaching for working life
"Studying in Transport and Telecommunication Institute is not just acquiring new skills and gaining knowledge, it is a preparation for successful working life. In just two years I gained a lot to proceed with the international working experience and I felt extremely confident in being competitive also outside of my home country. Synergy of theoretical knowledge and work experience helped me to deliver dozens of data migration and software projects, participate in global implementation programs with more than hundreds of team members across the globe. Data mining, Process mining, Software Architecture, just naming a few courses, which supported me in after-study years. I am a proud Transport and Telecommunication Institute alumni and I keep on remembering all the best times I have had with my teachers and course mates. It is not only master's degree education, it is coaching, coaching for life."
Aleksandra Karnakova, 
Technology Architect in Outokumpu Group Oyj, Helsinki, Finland

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