Development of the model of intelligent transport system of Europe-Asia multimodal corridor for optimization of Latvia-Belarus international logistics chain (TransLab)

Period: 01.01.2007
- 01.01.2009
Programme: Other Programme (Leonardo da Vinchi, TEMPUS, EU)



Dr. sc. ing.
Aleksandr Grakovski
Engineering Faculty
Alexander Grakovski
+371 67 109 394


Academic degree and current position in TSI: professor, leading researcher of the Engineering Faculty, Director of BSc Program “Telecommunication Systems and Computer Networks” and MSc Program “Master of Engineering Sciences in Electronics”.

Previous experience: for more than 6 years was Dean of Computer Science and Telecommunication Faculty, Head of Telecommunication Department in Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI), founder of the Laboratory of Image Processing, Biometry & Automated Border Control Systems in TSI.

Membership: Member of ECTRI (since 2017), Latvian Operations Research Society, Latvian Higher School Professors Association; member of European Engineering Deans Council (2012-2013); has been a member of the steering and programme committee of the International Conference on Innovative Vocational Education and Training in Transport Area (IVETTA), 2005; programme committees of the International Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat), Latvia, (9 events), Dependability of Computer Systems (DepCoS-RelMex), Poland (2 events), etc., and reviewer in transportation journals and conference proceedings. Member of Editorial Board of Journals: Transport and Telecommunication (WoS, SCOPUS), Computer Modeling and New Technologies (2012), etc.

Academic experience: Author of more than 90 publications, incl. 14 books and textbooks, chapters in the book “Sensor Network Technology Applications in the Water Supply and Transport Systems”, Ribickis, L., et al. (Scientific Monograph, Riga, RTU Press, 2017, in Latvian), papers in International Journal of Transport, Transport and Telecommunication, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. An Expert in Transport and Logistics (2008-2021) and Civil Engineering (since 2021) at the Latvian Council for Science; member of the PhD promotion committee. Member of the expert working group of the Electronic Communications Sector Council of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Latvia (since 2010).

Teaching at post- and graduate level: System Theory (Dr. ing. in Telematics and Logistics, TSI); Computer Vision and Image Processing (MSc in Computers Science, TSI); Laboratory Research Workshop (MSc in Electronics, TSI); etc.

Participation in projects: as a leading researcher has participated in more than 15 European and Latvian research projects and 2 national transportation studies, has been a scientific coordinator in 4 of them, has participated in COST Action TU0804, Horizon 2020, FP, INTERREG, BSR programme’ s projects.

Research Interests: Mathematical modelling, numerical methods, dynamics of chaotic systems, signal and image processing in different fields (transportation sphere, biometry, networks, logistics and others). 

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses: Promoted 1 Doctoral, more than 50 Master theses and 60 Bachelor theses, anofficial reviewer of 7 PhD theses.

Awards: by Latvian Education Fund in Computer Science (2017), IT industry (X-Infotech, 2016-2017), Riga Municipality (2010).


The project aim is to improve the efficiency of the interstate transport corridors by the way of united hierarchical system of governance based on principles of intelligent transportation systems (ITS).


Latvia and Belarus are the neighbours with a common border. Through their territory pass through a significant proportion of Asia-Europe transit. The both states are bound by the long-term economic relations and transportation systems of these countries are tightly integrated as links in a single multi-modal transport network. The study of architecture and theoretical basis for constructing ITS macro and micro level for optimal traffic management in order to increase capacity, safety and service level that meets the economic and socio-political interests of both countries.

Project will

There are the project methodology, the concept, models and recommendations, joint publications and information distributed via CD, WEB, reports on seminars and conferences being important for policy decisions on the establishment of intellectual transport system “Latvia-Belarus” at the level of both governments countries and having an independent scientific value, developed in the project.

Strategic focus

  • Improving the technical means traffic management, performance and traffic conditions (intensity, speed, etc.), creating an intellectual environment monitoring and management.
  • Services (household, technical, administrative). The development of providing infrastructure. Recommendations for the Promotion of route guidance and supporting information.
  • Optimisation of spatial planning and power of logistics centres;
  • Improvements in telecommunications systems architecture, monitoring and management.
  • Safety and legal regulation.

Planned results

  • The development of methodological recommendations and projects of national and international standards on the route guide on roads and streets of the populated places, of the investigated transport corridor.
  • Models of the multimodal logistics transport corridor of Europe-Asia, passing through the territory of Latvia and Belarus.
  • Proposals to the Ministries of Transport of the Republic of Latvia and Belarus for the modernization of transport network “Latvia-Belarus”, the organization of traffic management, including in the areas of road repairs.
  • The concept of intellectual transport system “Latvia-Belarus” and all of its components.

The project consists of 6 work packages:

WP1: Natural and experimental surveys, methodology for determining key points of the street- road network of international transport corridors, method of determining pockets accident, method of determining routes for car traffic.

WP2: Building of simulation models of corridor “Latvia-Belarus”, as well as its individual links and transport junctions for virtual experiments with varying degrees of busy routes and collisions (congestion, smash-up, etc.), assessment of the feasibility of reconstruction and its transport network nodes (including customs conversions), taking into account the forecast traffic growth intensity.

WP3: Building, justification and verification of mathematical models of flow management, which include collisions, repairing sections of roads, position and power of logistics centres, multimodal hubs.

WP4: Formulation of the concept of building ITS (structure, composition, elements, functions, data sources).

WP5: Development of recommendations and suggestions to improve the efficiency of the transport corridor “Latvia-Belarus”; analysis of possible financial costs and forecast (estimate) of a positive effect.

WP6: Joint seminars on the project.


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