for future bachelors and masters degree studies

TSI Open Day

We invite you to visit TSI on the Open Day: find out more about bachelor and master’s study opportunities, participate in Q/A sessions and tours, and most importantly – choose a programme that fits you best in areas of artificial intelligence, IT, computer engineering, robotics, aviation, logistics, and business and management.

Be the first to find out more about special tuition fee discounts, scholarships from TSI and business partners in honour of TSI 25th anniversary! Apply on time and secure yourself free studies!

When? November 4th, at 11:00 a.m.
Where? TSI, Lomonosova st. 1

  • Meet students to find out more about studies inner climate from first-hand experience
  • Explore opportunities to study according to British standards in Latvia and receive two degrees at once and the most in-demand qualifications from the UWE Bristol university (UK) and TSI
  • Get acquainted with the necessary conditions to apply for a scholarship from employers or TSI
  • Visit electronics, robotics and aviation labs
  • Ask your questions to professors and programme directors
  • Get to know how to gain international experience with TSI
  • Receive information about the admission process, as well as discounts and tuition loans

Come with your parents or friends and find out how it is – to study at TSI! 


Step into your future with TSI!

The event will be held in the Latvian language, however, our team will answer questions in any of three languages: Latvian, English or Russian.

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