Список докторантов

Программа: Цифровая экономика и бизнес


Научный руководитель


Aboo Bakar Amli Bin

Prof. Y. Stukalina

AI-driven Business Transformation: Utilizing Artificial Intelligence for Gaining Competitive Advantage

Abdurakhmonova Ferangiz

Prof. I. Kuzmina-Merlino

Increasing the Significance of a Company’s Integrated Reporting for Measuring Its Sustainable Performance

Dimungu Hewage Nilusha


Prof. I. Stecenko

Development of Digital Skills for Human Resources in the Banking Sector in Sri Lanka

Dinārs Konstantīns

Prof. B. Misnevs,

Prof. I. Stecenko

Development of Pricing Methodology in Product IT Companies

Dolle Nicholas

Prof. I. Kuzmina-Merlino

Artificial Intelligence as Replacement of Middle Management in Major Organizations Listed in the DAX and MDAX Indexes of the German Stock Exchange

Etian Boress Kemgou Voptia

Prof. Y. Stukalina

Digital Transformation and Labour Productivity Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Reallocation Channel Analysis

Hajiyev Nijat

Prof. D. Pavlyuk

Development of Digital Business in Crisis Situation

Khabibullaev Abduboriy

Prof. J. Popova

Digital Transformation of Education

Kulikov Daniil

Prof. I. Kuzmina-Merlino

Competitive Global Brands Governance in The Sports Industry

Mitrofanovs Daniels

Prof. J. Popova

The Impact of the Development of Artificial Intelligence on Digital Business

Muhammad Taley

Prof. Y. Stukalina

Role of Digital Customer Communication on E-commerce

Perekrestov Vladimir

Prof. I. Kabashkin

Digital Transformation of Aviation Maintenance Organisation in the Digital Economy

Skorobogatova Oksana

Prof. I. Stecenko

Career Skills Shift in the Context of Digital Transformation of the Economy

Программа: Телематика и логистика


Научный руководитель


Fedorov Roman

Prof. Pavlyuk

Study of Economic Efficiency of Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis Techniques n MRO

Ilin Maksim

Prof. D.Pavlyuk

AI Agents in Transportation and Logistics

Ļohina Ksenija

Prof. Pavlyuk

Deep Learning for Container Flow Management

Paļivoda Rostislavs

Prof. A.Grakovsky

Development of a Mathematical Model for Optimising Bead Geometry in Twin-Wall Metal Printing Using Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)

Shoshin Leonid

Prof. I.Kabashkin

Improvement of Aircraft Structural Maintenance and Repair Processes on the Base of Decision Support Systems with Ontology Models within the Frame of the Integrated Digital Ecosystem of Aircraft Operation.

Susanin Vitalii

Prof. I.Kabashkin

Efficiency Improvement of Maintenance and Reliability Control Programmes of Aircraft within the Frame of the Integrated Digital Ecosystem of their Operation.

Togambayev Rustam

Assoc. Prof. I.Alomar, Prof. I.Kabashkin

Development of Framework for Enhanced Health Monitoring and Health Management in Aviation De-Icing and Anti-Icing

Turno Francesco Maria

Prof. I.Yatskiv

Personalization of MaaS Solutions: a Multivariate Data Fusion Approach

Vesjolijs Aleksejs

Prof. M.Savrasovs

Assessment Methodology for the Hyperloop Implementation

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