Project «Strengthening Transport and Telecommunication Institute Academic Staff in the Areas of Strategic Specialisation» (

Период: 01.11.2018
- 31.01.2021
Программа: ESF



Dr. sc. ing.
Борис Мишнев
Факультет инжeнерных наук

Academic degree and current position in TSI: professor, leading researcher of the Engineering Faculty.

Previous experience: Rector and more than 10 years a Vice-rector for Education Affairs for Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI), Program Director of the Bachelor of Computer Science Program, Software Engineering team lead and Quality Manager at SWH Technology (later Exigen Latvia).

Membership: LZP expert, AIC expert; Reviewer (member of the committee) in several international conferences (IADIS ML 2009-2019, ICALT 2009, ICEE/ICIT-2014 etc.); Member of the Editorial Board of the International Women’s On-line Distance Learning Journal (WOJDE, ISSN:2147-0367); TSI Representative for Europe Informatics (Informatics Latvia); TSI Member of the Senate; MIP-2006-2018 Chairman and member of the Organizing Committee (TSI, Riga, Latvia); Member of the Latvian Operations Research Society; Member of the Latvian Association of University Professors.

Academic experience:

  • university lecturer with 40 years of experience (all types of teaching, including distance learning)
  • expert in the development and evaluation of university programs.
  • good knowledge of education and software development quality control processes (currently conducting quality audits at international level)
  • scientist in the software development industry
  • experienced university education process administrator
  • academic internship and lecturing abroad (University of Manchester, UK -1994, Ottawa University, Canada – 1995, University of Hagen, Germany – 1999, University of Florence, Italy – 2008, University of Murcia – 2014, European Humanitarian University, Lithuania – 2018, Vilnius Tech University, Lithuania – 2021).

Author of more than 50 scientific and academic publications, 3 textbooks.

Teaching at post- and graduate level: Information and Software Systems Quality Models, Scientific Seminar (MSc in Computers Science, MIS, TSI); Object-Oriented Programming, Software Engineering, Transport Modelling, Introduction into Computer Science (Bachelor in Computers Science, TSI); etc.

Participation in projects (2013-2024):

  • ERASMUS+ project “Ecosystem for European Education Mobility as a Service: Model with Portal Demo (eMEDIATOR)”, No 2021-1-LV01-KA220-HED-000027571, Project Manager, Leading Researcher (2021-2023).
  • ERASMUS+ project «Strengthening digital pedagogy skills and competencies of educators» (INGENIOUS), No. 2020-1-EL01-KA226-VET-094871 (2021-2023), Manager, Researcher (2021-2023).
  • ERAF Project “Strengthening the academic staff of the Transport and Telecommunication Institute in the areas of strategic specialization” Nr.″ Nr., Supervisor (2018-2020).
  • INTERREG CB 2010-2020 Project “Harmonised and Modernised Multidisciplinary Railway Education” (EDU-RAIL), Leading Researcher (2015 – 2018).
  • ERASMUS+ project iSECRET “Implementation of Software Engineering Competence Remote Evaluation for Master Program Graduates”, ID – 2015-1-LV01-KA203-013439, 2015-2017, Project Manager (2015-2017).
  • FP7: Enhancing transfer of Intelligent Transportation System innovations to the market (TTRANS), 2012-2015, Leading Researcher (2013).

Research Interests: Object-Oriented Programming, Software Engineering, Process Maturity, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Forensic, Quality Management Systems, Online Pedagogy and E-learning.

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses (number): Promoted 1 Doctoral, more than 30 Master theses and more than 50 Bachelor theses and was official reviewers of 4 PhD theses.

Awards: Nomination for King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa UNESCO Award for the use of ICT in Education by the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia.(2017); acknowledgments by Ministry of Education and Science (2005);acknowledgments by Latvian Education Fund; TSI Goda Raksti (2019); TSI Aizinības Raksti (2019, 2021,2022); TSI Diploma for Significant Contribution to the Development of the TSI (2024); TSI Diploma for Innovation Teaching Methods(2024).

Publication date: 13.11.2018.

The aim of the project is to strengthen the academic staff of the Transport and Telecommunication Institute in the areas of strategic specialization in accordance with the strategy of the higher education institution and scenarios of study directions’ development, improving the competitiveness of the academic staff and the higher education institution in the long term.

The target group of the project is TTI academic staff, doctoral students and foreign lecturers who will work with the higher education institution in the frame of European Social Fund project. Investments in human capital are to be made in four study directions:

  1. “Information Technologies, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Control/Management and Computer Science”;
  2. “Mechanics and Metalworking, Thermal Power Engineering, Heat Engineering and Machinery;
  3. Transport services;
  4. «Management, administration and real estate management» (due to the implementation of the new professional Master’s study program «Aviation Management»).


Taking into account the vision and needs of the TTI study directions, the project main activities are as follows:

  • by announcing an open selection to involve seven doctoral students in the academic work for a term not less than 12 months and with a long-term cooperation perspective;
  • by announcing an open selection of 12 foreign lecturers for academic work, for a term not shorter than six months and with a long-term perspective of cooperation;
  • provide Latvian language training for foreign staff members in case of need;
  • to improve the competences of the academic staff:
  • to realize 37 traineeship plans for 29 TTI instructors to work for merchants;
  • to organize professional English language training for 17 TTI staff members.

Benefits and impact of the project will be as follows:

  • improved competitiveness of the higher education institution’s academic human resources in the labour market,
  • A modern and relevant content of study programs corresponding to the pace of technological development,
  • advanced implementation methods of study courses and programs,
  • extended range of scientific research topics,
  • opportunity to provide more study programs in English,
  • possibility to develop joint programs with foreign universities,
  • improved cooperation with companies in the implementation of projects and research,
  • an increase in the number of merchants for the organization of student traineeships,
    • the problem of the aging of academic staff is addressed,
  • diversified internationalization process at the university
  • strengthened TTI’s cooperation with local and foreign higher education institutions,
  • development of international academic and research projects in the fields of strategic specialization of TTI,
  • The opportunity to cooperate with foreign lecturers in the implementation of distance learning programs.

The impact of the project is binding for the final beneficiaries — TTI students and society, partner universities in foreign countries and in Latvia, scientific institutions, partner companies. The benefits of the project will have a positive impact on society as a whole, because a long-term investment has been made in the development of the national economy.

The total cost of the project is EUR 563 763.61, of which the European Social Fund supports EUR 479 199.06 (85%) and the State budget amounts to EUR 84 564.55 (15%).

The project is planned to be implemented within 27 months, from November 1, 2018 to January 31, 2021.


Publication date: 03.10.2019.

Transport and Telecommunication Institute is announcing 3rd round of selection the Doctoral students/Ph.D cand. for academic work. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications from 4 October 2019 till 22 october 2019 (till 12 p.m. by Latvian time).


Annex 1 Application Form for Selection Procedure;

Annex 2 Description of the Study Course/Syllabus;

Annex 3 Applicant’s Evaluation Sheet.


Publication date: 26.03.2019.

Transport and Telecommunication Institute is announcing 2nd round of selection the Doctoral students/Ph.D cand. for academic work. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications from 26 March 2019 till 31 August 2019 (till 12 p.m. by Latvian time).


Annex 1 «Application Form for Selection Procedure«;

Annex 2 «Description of the Study Course/Syllabus«;

Annex 3 «Aplicant’s Evaluation Sheet«.


Publication date: 05.03.2019.

Transport and Telecommunication Institute is announcing the selection of foreign academic personnel. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications from 5 March 2019 till 5 March 2020 (till 12 p.m. by Latvian time).


Annex 1 „Application Form for Selection Procedure”;

Annex 2 „Description of the Study Course/Syllabus”;

Annex 3 „Applicant’s Evaluation Sheet”.


Publication date: 18.12.2018.

Transport and Telecommunication Institute is announcing the selection of Doctoral students/Ph.D cand. for academic work. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications from 18 December 2018 till 18 January 2019 (till 12 p.m. by Latvian time).


Annex 1 „Application Form for Selection Procedure”;

Annex 2 „Description of the Study Course/Syllabus”;

Annex 3 „Applicant’s Evaluation Sheet”.


Publication date: 16.11.2018.

Transport and Telecommunication Institute is announcing the selection of foreign academic personnel. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications from 16 November 2018 till 16 December 2018 (till 12 p.m. by Latvian time).


Annex 1 „Application Form for Selection Procedure”;

Annex 2 „Description of the Study Course/Syllabus”;

Annex 3 „Applicant’s Evaluation Sheet”.

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