Customer Satisfaction in Information Provision in Bus and Coach terminals

Diane Aliou Yasmine


The actuality of this research lies in the significance of changing the mobility traditions toward public transport usage. It requires considering various aspects of the customer experience in public transport services. Transport terminals are an asset to an area as they may act as catalysts for more active use of public transport. However, poorly planned, and sited terminals may generate problems and passengers reduction.
The research aims to gain insights into the effectiveness of information visualization in bus and coach terminals and contribute to enhancing the overall passenger experience during journeys. The author is reviewing existing literature on information visualization in transport terminals and studies, or best practices related to improving passenger experiences through effective information design.
The author used both quantitative and qualitative methods as sources of data, such as user surveys, expert interviews, and observations for understanding how passengers interact with existing information displays.
From analysis, the Riga International Coach terminal has a good information system but misses some visualization tools for information provision. Thus, recommendations were made on how to improve information provision to enhance customer satisfaction.
Author: Diane Aliou Yasmine
Degree: Master
Year: 2024
Work Language: English
Supervisor: Dr. sc. ing., Irina Jackiva
Faculty: Transport and Management Faculty
Study programme: Master of Social Sciences in Transport and Logistics