Проект «Модель умной экономики в умном городе» (

Период: 01.06.2020
- 30.06.2023
Программа: PostDoc



Dr. oec.
Елена Попова
Факультет транспорта и управления

Academic degree and current position in TSI: Associate Professor, the Faculty of Transport and Management

Experience: 20 years’ experience as a university lecturer, several years of experience as a scientific translator at Scientific Research Institute “Micropribor”, several years worked as a school teacher


Expert of Latvian Council for Science in Business and Economics field;

Editor of Scientific Journal Cultural Heritage & Tourist Destinations: Creative Approaches in Development, ISSN 2592-8449.

Peer reviewer of the International Scientific Journal Tourism and Innovations, University of Economics, Varna, Bulgaria. Member of Editorial Board.

Peer reviewer of the Journal of Tourism and Services, Prague, Czech Republic, ISSN 1804-5650

Member of Scientific and Editorial Committee of the Journal of scientific articles of students and young scientists Development of Modern Business within the Concept of Green Economy

Organiser of Students’ Practical Conference Students’ Practice as the Basis of Professional Competence. Organiser and moderator of working sections and workshop within the frameworks of the project Enhancing Green Economy in 3 countries of Asia, Grant agreement 598470-EPP-1-2018-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP — ENV2.

Teaching activity: Economic Theory; Advanced Microeconomics; International Economic Relations; Global Economy; Corporate Finance; Financial Management; Strategic Management; Project Management; Marketing; Business English.

Publication activity:  Author and co-author of scientific publications for 6 years: 57 scientific articles in indexed and peer reviewed scientific journals and proceedings of scientific conferences, participated in 27 scientific conferences and round tables with reports.

Participation in projects: the European grant “Post-doctoral Research Aid” Project id. N. of the Republic of Latvia, funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Research project No. “Development of Model of Smart Economy in Smart City” the European Project Enhancing Green Economy in 3 countries of Asia, Grant agreement 598470-EPP-1-2018-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP — ENV2

Research Interests: The scientific interests are in the area of Smart economy, Sustainable Economy, International Economics, Human Capital, Intellectual Capital, Waste Management.

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses (number): Supervision of the Doctoral Thesis; Master’s Theses; Bachelor Thesis.

Awards: three awards as the best professor of the university (Baltic International Academy, Latvia).

Award as the best presenter at the International Scientific Conference Economics and Management

Motto: “If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one”.

Maxima for teaching: People who know what they’re talking about don’t need PowerPoint

Проект посвящен разработке модели умной экономики в умном городе, предполагающей, что некоторые элементы рыночной экономики заменяются на «умные». Примерoм умных элементов может рассматриваться, например, экономика совместного использования, которая успешно внедряется в городскую жизнь.

Задачи исследования:

  • провести анализ реализации экономики совместного пользования на уровне городского хозяйства,
  • определить ее положительные и отрицательные внешние эффекты, учитывая экономические плюсы и минусы решений Smart City для текущего и будущего поколения,

разработать модель умной экономики в среде умного города с минимизацией негативных последствий.

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