Towards an integrated transport system in the Baltic Sea Region (TransBaltic)

Период: 01.01.2009
- 01.01.2012
Программа: Baltic Sea Region Programme


Государственный эмеритус ученый, профессор 

Dr. sc. ing., Dr. habil. sc. ing.
Игорь Кабашкин
Факультет инжeнерных наук

Academic degree and current position in TSI: Professor,, leading researcher of the Engineering Faculty, Director of PhD Programme “Telematics and Logistics”.

Previous Experience: Founder and President of Transport and Telecommunication Institute for over 15 years, Vice-rector for Research and Development Affairs for more than 10 years

Membership: Member of the Joint OECD/ITF Transport Research Committee (OECD – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, ITF – International Transport Forum), Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Corresponding Member of Latvian Academy of Science, President of Latvian Transport Development and Education Association, President of Latvian Operations Research Society, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal «Transport and Telecommunication», Member of the board of the Journals “Transport”, “Technological and Economic Development”, “Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering” etc.

Academic experience: Author of more than 600 academic and research publications, author of 68 patents. Expert of the Latvian Council of Science in Civil and Transport Engineering, Chairman of promotion council for PhD degree in Civil and Transport Engineering, Chairman of Professor Council in Telematics and Logistics.

Teaching at post- and graduate level: 45 years of pedagogical experience in university; courses: Research Methodology (PhD programme); New Trends of Telematics and Logistics Development (PhD programme), Research Methodology (MSc programme), Theory of Systems and System Analysis (MSc programme), Transport Policy (MSc programme), Intelligent Transport Systems (MSc programme), Reliability Engineering (BSc programme) etc.

Participation in projects: has participated in 37 international projects (in 26 projects as national coordinator of the projects) and 26 Latvian research projects and programs (in 23 as head of the projects) within the frame of COST Activities, Horizon 2020, Framework Programs, INTERREG etc. 

Research Interests: Transport Telematics and Logistics, Smart Cities, Analysis and Modelling of Transport Systems, Intelligent Transport Systems, Reliability of Electronics Systems, Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, Information Technology Applications, Electronics and Telecommunication, Decision Support Systems, Avionics, Air Traffic Control Systems and others.

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses: Supervisor of 9 PhD theses and more than 200 Master and Bachelor theses.

Awards: 2 Gold and 5 Silver Medals of International Research and Innovation Exhibition of Innovators (1985-1990); Honorary title “Latvian Honored Inventor”, Latvian Parliament (1989); Award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology, USA (1998); Award and memorial medal for outstanding research in computer science and informatics,  Latvian Academy of Sciences (2001); Award and memorial medal for outstanding performance of research in air navigation, communication and radar technology, Latvian Academy of Sciences (2002); Certificate of Recognition as a significant contribution to the research and educational work in the transport, logistics and information technology, as well as on the international success in science, Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia (2014); Certificate of Honor of the Latvian Academy of Sciences for research in the field of transport and logistics (2019).

A STRATEGIC project CO-FINANCED BY the Baltic Sea Programme 2007-2013

TransBaltic, as one of few transnational projects so far, has been granted a strategic status by the authorities of the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013. In that way the decision-makers acknowledged the role of TransBaltic in fostering the sustainable development of the Region, the project’s wide geographical coverage, deep focus on implementation and the strong political backup at the national level.

TransBaltic is led by Region Skane and lasts from 1 June 2009 to 31 December 2012.

Why DO WE promote an integrated transport system IN THE BALTIC SEA REGION?

Transport performance deficiencies are regarded by the business stakeholders as one of the most prominent barriers to economic prosperity and growth in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). As underlined in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, appropriate public policy response is needed to increase the accessibility of territories and the quality of connections, and to master the increasing flows in and across the Region.

The overall objective of TransBaltic is to provide regional level incentives for the creation of a comprehensive multimodal transport system in the BSR. This is to be achieved by means of joint transport development measures and jointly implemented business concepts.

Creating an action plan

The project wishes to address this key challenge by complementing actions taken by the national authorities within the framework of the EU Baltic Sea Strategy. The envisaged action plan will contain measures, which will address internal connectivity, interoperability and intermodality constraints of the Baltic Sea Region from the sustainable regional development perspective. The plan will also feature regional preparedness measures for the increasing intercontinental transport flows to unlock investments serving better external accessibility of the Region.

Building on existing knowledge

In that respect TransBaltic will draw inspiration from ongoing and completed initiatives of the pan-Baltic organisations. It will join forces with transport corridor projects, such as EWTC II and Scandria, by providing inspiration for their investigations and generalising their specific findings (in a form of so called BSR blueprints).

Traffic forecasts and scenarios

To provide a decision support basis for regional and national transport investments, the project intends to deliver traffic forecasts and scenarios for particular TEN-T and secondary transport corridors in the Baltic Sea Region. It will also develop guidelines, manuals and business plans for piloted transport and logistics solutions as well as feasibility studies and implementation plans.

A meeting place for public and private transport stakeholders TransBaltic will also arrange a meeting place for public and private transport stakeholders to discuss specific harmonisation needs from the regional growth perspective.

SPECIFICATION OF expected outcomes

Action plan with infrastructure, logistics and transport capacity measures addressing pan-Baltic connectivity, interoperability and intermodality problems from the sustainable regional development perspective

  • Guidelines on BSR-specific transport intermodality and interoperability solutions (BSR transport blueprints) – which would test and verify EU transport and cohesion policy proposals
  • Traffic forecasts and scenarios for particular TEN-T and secondary transport corridors in the Baltic Sea Region – as a decision support basis for regional and national transport investments
  • Manual and handbook on empty freight reduction – to decrease space requirements and road/rail haulage cost in container traffic
  • Feasibility studies and implementation plans for dry ports and for port-bound road traffic telematics
  • Pre-feasibility and impact assessment studies for rail transport in selected parts of the Region
  • Business plans for, inter alia, the empty container management and for the ICT toolbox (a web-based tool to help business users, especially SMEs, plan optimum intermodal door-to-door solutions for the transport of cargo)
  • Training methodology for a competence management system in harbour logistics
  • A meeting place for public and private transport stakeholders to discuss specific harmonisation needs from the regional growth perspective (incl. e.g. challenges for Baltic ports, human capacity building in transport operations and implementation of a green corridor concept in the Baltic Sea Region)

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