Logistics and Overland Transport Network for Training ‘Blue Collars’ (LogOnTrain)

Период: 01.01.2013
- 01.01.2014
Программа: Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme



Dr. sc. ing.
Александр Медведев
Факультет инжeнерных наук
Aleksandr Medvedev

Academic degree and current position in TSI: professor, leading researcher of the Engineering Faculty, Director of BSc Programmes “Aviation Transport Maintenance”, instructor of theoretical training and examination in Academic and Professional Aviation Centre (TSI/APAC Part-147). Advisor and lecturer in Association Latvian Auto (L-auto) and Scientific Training Advisory Transport and Logistics Centre (ZMKTLC).

Previous experience: was chair of Transport Department and Aviation Transport Department for more than 15 years, Transport and Logistics Faculty, Director of BSc programmes “Commercial Transport Operation”, “Aviation Transport Maintenance” in Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI).

Membership: Member of the Scientific Council of TSI, Member of the program committee of the conferences: “Research and technology — a step into the future” and “Actual problems of education”

Academic experience: Author of more than 140 publications, incl. 25 books and textbooks: Organization of vehicle maintenance processes (in Russian), 2011; Theory and optimization methods. Part 1. Linear programming (in Russian), 2011; Information technology and transport logistics (in Russian), 2015; Aircraft structure (in Russian), 2016; Aircraft structure (textbook). Part 1. Glider (in Russian), 2018; Aircraft design. Part 2. Aircraft systems and equipment (in Russian), 2018, etc.

Participation in projects: As a leading researcher has participated in 12 European and Latvian research projects.

Research Interests: Transport and Logistics, Aviation Transport.

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses: Three doctoral students’ theses were defended and Dr.sc.ing. degree obtained by 1 person; more than 15 Master theses and more than 200 Bachelor theses supervised.

Short summary of the project

The majority of enterprises in border areas produce for domestic market. Cross-border links between companies are underdeveloped although there are several road and railway connections in the project territory. The main reason for underdevelopment of cross-border trade is the lack of skilled workforce (“blue collar” labour) in the companies that otherwise would be able to enhance cross-border and international transport and logistics, freight forwarding, customer servicing and thus tighten cross-border economy links.

There exist vocational schools training transport and logistics in border areas. Still, companies employing vocational school graduates are often dissatisfied with the cross-border and international logistics and freight-forwarding skills of their employees.

In order to make maximum use of the existing cross-border trade potential, it is most necessary to improve training in the sphere of cross-border and international transport, freight-forwarding and logistics. The relevant curricula and training programmes should be updated, trainers need additional skills in the cross-border and international aspects of their subject, simulation, modelling and special IT programmes should be used more widely in the training process.

It is also important to create and stimulate connections and networks between the business communities, local/regional authorities and educational/research institutions.

Overall objective

Foster socio-economic development through the development of labour market potential with special focus to cooperation between research and educational institutions and businesses in order to raise the quality of workforce human resources.

Specific objectives

  • Update and synchronize the existing vocational school curricula and training programmes
  • Raise the level of competence and skills of the teaching staff training young “blue collars” transport and logistics
  • Develop and widen the use of simulation, modelling and IT programmes in transport and logistics
  • Create networks between the border area business communities, local/regional authorities and educational/research institutions in logistics and transport

Expected results

Curricula and training vocational programmes upgraded up to modern international standards and synchronized with those of university level to meet the demands of haulage and rail companies.

Qualification of trainers of transport, logistics, freight-forwarding, warehousing, enhanced through the following measures:

  • Summer school for relevant teachers and trainers including seminars on methods of training and qualification courses
  • 6 master classes
  • 6 lectures by university professors in vocational schools teaching logistics and transport

Development of up-to-date teaching methods:

  • Access to available simulation, modelling and IT-based software generally used in transport and logistics for the target groups and wider auditory
  • Introduction of package laboratory IT-programme of Valga County Vocational Training Centre to the public
  • Introduction of RFID programme of St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications adapted to the project partners’ needs
  • Adaptation of railway costs calculation IT system of St Petersburg State Transport University to the project partners’ needs

Publicity measures undertaken to attract the attention of target groups and wider audience:

  • 3 seminars for relevant companies and local/regional authorities in the project area of all the 3 countries (150 participants)
  • 2 promotion campaigns to get more students to study transport and logistics in vocational schools (including visits to 30 secondary schools, 4000 information leaflets, articles in newspapers and reflections in radio and TV)
  • Project website (1000 visits)
  • Participation in international / regional logistics and transport events in the area organised by the others with own information – stands (6 events)
  • International forum “High qualified blue collars – a creative resource for modern cross-border logistics”

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