Home > CLIL Network for Languages in Education: Towards bi- and multilingual disciplinary literacies (CLILNetLE) (CA21114)
Academic degree and current position in TSI: Professor, Leading Researcher of the Faculty of Transport and Management, Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Transport and Management.
Previous experience: 35 years’ experience in Higher Education, 10 years’ experience of working as the Head of the Department (The Department of Linguistics and the Department of Management and Economics) at Transport and Telecommunication Institute, 4 years of experience working as a Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Transport and Management of Transport and Telecommunication Institute.
Membership: Since 2016 – Programme Committee Member of the International Scientific Conference “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication” (RelStat); since 2016 – Programme Committee Member of the International Scientific Symposium “Economics, Business and Finance”; 2012-2015 – Programme Committee Member of the Scientific and Educational Conference “Actual Problems of Education”; since 2020 – Member of Editorial Board of the “Journal of Business, Management and Economics Engineering”/Vilnius Gedminas Technical University (WoS, Scopus); she is also reviewer of the following scientific journals indexed in WoS and/or Scopus: Higher Education Quarterly, International Journal of Innovation Science, Journal of Relationship Marketing, International Journal of Educational Management, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, Administrative Sciences, Education Sciences, Information, International Journal of Financial Studies, Systems, Sustainability, Data, Societies, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, Economies, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Business, Management and Education.
Academic experience: Author of more than 50 publications, incl. six textbooks and book chapters. An Expert in in Educational Sciences, Economics and Business, Engineering and Technologies of the Latvian Council of Science. A member of the Joint Professors’ Council in Economics and Business (Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Turiba University and BA School of Business and Finance). Aa member of the Promotion Council for PhD Program in Digital Economy and Business at TSI.
Teaching activity: Contemporary Business Management (Doctoral Degree students); Strategic Management and Digital Business (Doctoral Degree students); Academic English (Master of Social Sciences in Management); Human Resource Management and Leadership (Master of Social Sciences in Management); Organizational Behaviour and Leadership; Strategic Management (Master of Social Sciences in Management); SMART administration (Master of Social Sciences in Management); Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility (Master of Social Sciences in Management), etc.
Participation in projects: a national representative and Management Committee Member of COST Action CA23112 “Critical perspectives on career and career guidance (COCAG)”, COST Action CA22120 “A European Network to Leverage the Multi-Age Workforce (LeverAge)”, COST Action CA21114 “CLIL Network for Languages in Education: Towards bi- and multilingual disciplinary literacies (CLILNetLE)”, COST Action CA19102 “Language In The Human-Machine Era”, COST Action CA18236 “Multi-disciplinary innovation for social change”, COST Action 15221 “Advancing effective institutional models towards cohesive teaching, learning, research and writing development”, COST Action CA15137 “European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities” (ENRESSH). Leader of the ERASMUS+ KA2 “SPREAD YOUR WINGS” 2017-1-PL01-KA203-038782 Project and ERASMUS+ “LEARN IT – Learning with ICT use” (2014-1-PL01-KA200-003353) Project, participant of the ESF project 2007/0010/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/ – “Professional Higher Education: TSI students practice in Transport and Logistics Enterprises”.
Research Interests: Business Digital Transformation, Sustainable Economic Development, Strategic Management, Educational Management, Marketing Management and Branding in Higher Education, Human Resource Management and leadership, Corporate Social Responsibility.
Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses (number): Supervision of forty Master’s Theses and Doctoral Theses (Digital Economy and Business, Master of Social Sciences in Management; Professional Master’s Degree in Aviation Management), an official reviewer of six PhD theses at the University of Latvia.
Awards: Certificate of Appreciation in Recognition of Research Excellence (2019, TSI); Certificate of Appreciation in Recognition of Teaching Excellence (2019, TSI); Certificate of Appreciation in Recognition of the Contribution to the Interdisciplinary Approach to Research (2019, TSI).
Motto: “Motivation is a fire from within”.
This Action responds to the move into mainstream education of Content-and-Language-Integrated-Learning (CLIL), i.e., the teaching of non-language subjects through a foreign language. Ongoing challenges in CLIL practice and research negatively affect the realisation of CLIL’s full potential, which lies primarily in helping school-leavers achieve the competence to use at least one foreign language confidently for professional and academic purposes. Young Europeans clearly require such bi/multilingual disciplinary literacies, complementing that in their first language, to succeed in employment and higher education. Through connecting researchers across Europe, this Action will develop an impactful, shared research agenda and dissemination strategy, targeting CLIL’s educational potential to support the development of bi/multilingual disciplinary literacies. This Action, for the first time, integrates research clusters from language education, focusing on CLIL and subject education experts working on education through the main language of education.
Aims of this Action are to