Факультет транспорта и управления

В современной экономике трудно переоценить роль транспорта, логистики и менеджмента! Факультет транспорта и менеджмента активно интегрирован в современные проблемы и тенденции развития глобальной экономики: менеджмента в условиях оцифровки, финансовых технологий, транспорта и логистики, основанных на высоких технологиях и инновациях. Сотрудничество с профессионалами из отрасли, с представителями структур бизнеса, академическим персоналом из зарубежных университетов, синергия знания в области менеджмента и технологических процессов, позволяет нам готовить высококвалифицированных, востребованных на рынке труда специалистов.

Valerija Kozlova

Mg. oec

Валерия Козлова

И.о. декaнa

Факультет транспорта и управления

учебные программы


Зимний прием

Кредитные пункты (ECTS): 120 или 90
Длительность: 1,5 или 2 года


Зимний прием

Кредитные пункты (ECTS): 240
Длительность: 4 года


Зимний прием

Кредитные пункты (ECTS): 180
Длительность: 3 года


Зимний прием

Кредитные пункты (ECTS): 123 или 93
Длительность: 1,5 или 2 года


Зимний прием

Кредитные пункты (ECTS): 120
Длительность: 2 года


Зимний прием

Кредитные пункты (ECTS): 180
Длительность: 3 года


Гостевой лектор 

Mg. oec.
Валерия Козлова
И.о. декaнa
Факультет транспорта и управления

Current position – Researcher and lecturer at Transport and Management faculty, and Business and Management program director in TSI.

Experience – Overall, 9 years of academic experience in TSI (faculty of Transport and Management) and RISEBA (Business and economics Faculty) in the area of sustainable entrepreneurship. Research experience gained through work in research projects associated with sustainability. Another specialization in family business, decision-making.. Experience in managing international projects and managing business development teams.

Membership – Board member and co-founder of Baltic Family Firm Institute, Member of the Women in Transport association (on behalf of TSI).

Teaching activity – Various bachelor and master studies about sustainability.

Publication activity – author/co-author of about 9 scientific publications.

Projects – participated in 2 research projects.

Supervised theses – around 10 Bachelor theses and 5 master theses.

Research fields/domains – Family business, decision making. sustainability.

Awards – several awards for academic activities and professional achievements.

Hobby – cooking, psychology.

Заместитель декана


Dr. sc. administr.
Юлия Стукалина
Факультет транспорта и управления
Yulia Stukalina

Academic degree and current position in TSI: Professor, Leading Researcher of the Faculty of Transport and Management, Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Transport and Management.

Previous experience: 30 years’ experience in Higher Education, 10 years’ experience of working as the Head of the Department (The Department of Linguistics and the Department of Management and Economics) at Transport and Telecommunication Institute.

Membership: Since 2016 – Programme Committee Member of the International Scientific Conference “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication” (RelStat); since 2016 – Programme Committee Member of the International Scientific Symposium «Economics, Business and Finance»; 2012-2015 –  Programme Committee Member of the Scientific and Educational Conference «Actual Problems of Education»; since 2020 – Member of Editorial Board of the «Journal of Business, Management and Economics Engineering»/Vilnius Gedminas Technical University (WoS, Scopus); since 2019 – reviewer of the «Journal of Marketing for Higher Education»/Routledge (Scopus).

Academic experience: Author of more than 40 publications, incl. six textbooks and book chapters. An Expert in Management (since 2014-2020); Educational Sciences (since 2020); Economics and Business (since 2020) of the Latvian Council for Science; Member of the Joint* Professors’ Council in Economics and Business, incl. Management Sciences (TSI, Turiba University and BA School of Business and Finance).

Teaching activity: Academic English (Master of Social Sciences in Management); Human Resource Management and Leadership (Master of Social Sciences in Management); Organizational Behaviour and Leadership; Strategic Management (Master of Social Sciences in Management); SMART administration (Master of Social Sciences in Management); Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility (Master of Social Sciences in Management), etc.

Participation in projects: a national representative and Management Committee Member of COST Action CA19102 “Language In The Human-Machine Era”, COST Action CA18236 “Multi-disciplinary innovation for social change”, COST Action 15221 “Advancing effective institutional models towards cohesive teaching, learning, research and writing development”, COST Action CA15137 “European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities” – ENRESSH, leader of the ERASMUS+ KA2 “SPREAD YOUR WINGS” 2017-1-PL01-KA203-038782 Project and ERASMUS+ “LEARN IT – Learning with ICT use” (2014-1-PL01-KA200-003353) Project, participant of the ESF project 2007/0010/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/ – “Professional Higher Education: TSI students practice in Transport and Logistics Enterprises».

Research Interests: Strategic Management, Educational Management, Marketing Management and Branding in Higher Education, Human Resource Management, Corporate Social Responsibility.   

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses (number): Supervision of the Master’s Theses (22: Master of Social Sciences in Management; Professional Master’s Degree in Aviation Management), an official reviewer of four PhD theses at the University of Latvia.

Awards: Certificate of Appreciation in Recognition of Research Excellence (2019, TSI); Certificate of Appreciation in Recognition of Teaching Excellence (2019, TSI); Certificate of Appreciation in Recognition of the Contribution to the Interdisciplinary Approach to Research (2019, TSI).

Motto: “Motivation is a fire from within”.



Mg. oec.
Оксана Скоробогатова
Факультет транспорта и управления

Current position – Lecturer of the Faculty of Transport and Management, Dean’s assistant of the Faculty of Transport and Management.

Experience – more than 13 years of academic and research experience.

Teaching activity – Business Activity Fundamentals (6ECTS, bachelor level), Operation Management (6ECTS, bachelor level), Business Process Reengineering (3ECTS, bachelor level), Resource Planning and Control (3ECTS, bachelor level), etc. From 2011. more than 10 distance courses

Publication activity – Author/co-author of more than 10 research publications in journals and conference proceedings

Projects – for the last years participated in Erasmus+ and Training school “Urban and transportation planning” +Young Research Seminar. University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece; International Spring School Logistics. Institute of Logistics and Material Handling Systems, Magdeburg; The first summer school in the framework of the ALLIANCE project: “Sustainable Transport Interchanges”. Riga. Latvia. Student Business Project competition organization.

Supervised theses – more than 70 bachelor thesis supervision with successful defence

Research fields/domains – marketing activities, customer behaviour, personnel management

Motto – Live in the present moment

Hobby – photography

Академический персонал факультета транспорта и менеджмента


Dr. oec.
Ирина Кузмина-Мерлино
Факультет транспорта и управления
Irina Kuzmina-Merlino

Academic degree and current position in TSI: Professor, Leading Researcher of the Faculty of Transport and Management, Director of study program MSc in Business and Management.

Previous experience: 41 years’ experience in Higher Education teaching Accounting and Finance; managing of high educational departments, and more than 25 years’ experience in industry as a consultant and professional advance qualification trainer.  

Membership: Since 2014 – Programme Committee Member and since 2018 vice-chair of the International Scientific Conference “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication”, RelStat (Scopus, WoS); Since 2006 — Member of the Advisory Committee of the Annual International conference, Bulgarian Association for Management Development and Entrepreneurship; Since 2015 – reviewer for the Emerald’s Emerging Markets Case Studies, EMCS, and 2018 member od editorial board (Scopus); Since 2020 — Reviewer of The Central European Business Review Journal, CEBR (Scopus, WoS); Since 2015 — International Strategic Management Conference, Peer-Review Committee (WoS); Since 2015 — The Clute Institute, Journal of Business Case Studies, member of Editorial Board (WoS); Since 2018 — the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, The University Yearbook, member of the Editorial Board; in 2012 – vice-chair of the 9th International Conference in Accounting and Finance in Transition, ICAFT-2012; 2011 – 2013 — The European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, ECSB Country Vice President for Latvia.

Academic experience:

Author more than 80 publications, incl. 2 study books, 3 monographs and book chapters.  An Expert in Economics and Business of the Latvian Council for Science; 2013–2020 — Member of the Joint Professors’ Council in Economics and Business (RISEBA, BA School of Business and Finance, Ventspils University); Member of the Joint* Professors’ Council in Economics and Business, incl. Management Sciences (TSI, Turības University and BA School of Business and Finance); Since 2016 —  Research and PhD Council at TTI; 2005-2007 — Latvian Association of Certified Auditors, LZRA – member of examination commission in Financial Accounting.

Teaching activity: Bachelor programme: Accounting, Management Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Financial Reporting and Analysis. Master programme: Financial Management, International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS; Financial and Management Analysis; Research Seminar. Doctoral programme: Financial Management.

Professional advanced qualification: Corporate Financial Management; Management Accounting; Business Plan preparation; Financial Reporting and Analysis based on IFRS.

Participation in projects: ERASMUS+ „Spread Your Wings” Nr. 2017-1-PL01-KA203-038782 project (2018-2020). ALLIANCE – Enhancing excellence and innovation capacity in sustainable transport interchanges. Grant agreement Nr. 692426 (2016–2018). ERAF project, VIAA, State Education Development Agency project “Development of institutional capacity of TSI Scientific Institution” Project Nr. 2.DP/ (2015). ESF project nr. 1DP/ for the year 2009-2014 „Doctoral study support programme”. The Economics and Law Sciences Expert’ Commision of the Latvian Council of Science: The main directions of Research in Economics and Law Sciences in 2003 – 2011 by LCS (different projects)

Research Interests: Financial and Management Accounting, International Reporting, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development, Digital Techniques in Management and Finance.

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses: Supervision of the Master’s Theses (average 5 works per study year) Master of Social Sciences in Management; an official reviewer of PhD thesis; Supervision of the Doctoral Theses.

Awards: LR Ministry of Education and Science, Certificate of honour of the Ministry of Education and Sciences, Minister Baiba Rivža (26.10.2007). Latvian Academy of Sciences, Certificate of honour of the Ministry of Sciences, LZA president Ojārs Spārītis (06.09.2019). Nomination in ‘The best tutor of the Year 2008’ from Latvia. The Institute of Certified Financial Management, ICFM (10.12.2008), London, the United Kingdom.

Motto: “Do what you love, and do it with love”.


Dr. oec.
Елена Попова
Факультет транспорта и управления
Jelena Popova

Academic degree and current position in TSI: Associate Professor, the Faculty of Transport and Management

Experience: 20 years’ experience as a university lecturer, several years of experience as a scientific translator at Scientific Research Institute “Micropribor”, several years worked as a school teacher


Expert of Latvian Council for Science in Business and Economics field;

Editor of Scientific Journal Cultural Heritage & Tourist Destinations: Creative Approaches in Development, ISSN 2592-8449.

Peer reviewer of the International Scientific Journal Tourism and Innovations, University of Economics, Varna, Bulgaria. Member of Editorial Board.

Peer reviewer of the Journal of Tourism and Services, Prague, Czech Republic, ISSN 1804-5650

Member of Scientific and Editorial Committee of the Journal of scientific articles of students and young scientists Development of Modern Business within the Concept of Green Economy

Organiser of Students’ Practical Conference Students’ Practice as the Basis of Professional Competence. Organiser and moderator of working sections and workshop within the frameworks of the project Enhancing Green Economy in 3 countries of Asia, Grant agreement 598470-EPP-1-2018-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP — ENV2.

Teaching activity: Economic Theory; Advanced Microeconomics; International Economic Relations; Global Economy; Corporate Finance; Financial Management; Strategic Management; Project Management; Marketing; Business English.

Publication activity:  Author and co-author of scientific publications for 6 years: 57 scientific articles in indexed and peer reviewed scientific journals and proceedings of scientific conferences, participated in 27 scientific conferences and round tables with reports.

Participation in projects: the European grant “Post-doctoral Research Aid” Project id. N. of the Republic of Latvia, funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Research project No. “Development of Model of Smart Economy in Smart City” the European Project Enhancing Green Economy in 3 countries of Asia, Grant agreement 598470-EPP-1-2018-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP — ENV2

Research Interests: The scientific interests are in the area of Smart economy, Sustainable Economy, International Economics, Human Capital, Intellectual Capital, Waste Management.

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses (number): Supervision of the Doctoral Thesis; Master’s Theses; Bachelor Thesis.

Awards: three awards as the best professor of the university (Baltic International Academy, Latvia).

Award as the best presenter at the International Scientific Conference Economics and Management

Motto: “If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one”.

Maxima for teaching: People who know what they’re talking about don’t need PowerPoint

Ассоц. Профессор, Кандидат экономических наук 

Dr. oec.
Наталья Подолякина
Факультет транспорта и управления
Natalja Podolakina
Ассоц. Профессор 

Dr. sc. ing.
Геннадий Громов
Факультет транспорта и управления
Ассоц. Профессор 

Dr. sc. administr.
Илзе Спроге
Факультет транспорта и управления
Ассоц. Профессор 

Dr. sc. ing.
Андрей Звайгзне
Факультет Транспорта и Управления


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История успеха выпускников

Vyacheslav Cheglatonyev
Меня привлек оптимально подобранный перечень предметов в программе
"— Вячеслав, как давно Вы работаете в сфере авиации и в каком качестве?
— Я работаю в авиационной отрасли, в сфере менеджмента аэропортов, около 10 лет. На данный момент являюсь директором по маркетингу и коммерции Международного Аэропорта «Одесса». Ранее занимал должности коммерческого директора крупнейших аэропортов Украины — Борисполя и Львова.
— Почему выбрали программу «Авиационный менеджмент» в TSI для своего дальнейшего профессионального развития?
— Меня в первую очередь привлекла сама программа и оптимально подобранный перечень предметов. Также мой выбор предопределило наличие среди преподавателей лекторов и выпускников Cranfield University, ведь это один из лучших университетов в мире, которые готовят специалистов в области авиационного менеджмента.
— Что понравилось в процессе обучения?
— В процессе обучения понравилась организация самого процесса, электронная система Moodle, оперативная переориентация на онлайн-обучение во время локдауна, высокий уровень преподавателей и программ ключевых предметов. Особо хочу отметить высокий уровень профессионализма научного руководителя своей выпускной работы — проф., д.с.н. Стукалиной Ю.Н.
— Что больше всего пригодится в Вашей ежедневной работе?
— В рабочем процессе пригодятся знания, полученные в области стратегического менеджмента, управления изменениями, маркетинга и лидерства."
Вячеслав Чеглатонев, 
Коммерческий директор Международного аэропорта Одеса

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