Since 24 March Transport and Telecommunication Institute starts cooperation with foreign professor Vinod Kumar Verma from India. Till 9 April online lectures will be delivered in the frame of the course “System Programming” for various students’ groups of the study programme “Computer Science”. Continuation of the course is planned in May. The objective of this course focuses on basic understanding of Operating system architecture, Concurrent Programming and Distributed systems.
Dr Vinod Kumar Verma is working as Assistant Professor in Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, he has 15-year experience in academic and scientific work. He obtained PhD in Computer Science and Engineering in Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, and in 2019 he graduated post-doc programme in the University of West Attica in Greece. Dr Verma is an author of various scientific papers in such fields as Wireless Sensor Networks, Trust and Reputation Systems, Cloud Computing, Brain Computing, Software Systems, Internet of Things, Big Data, Pervasive Computing, Image Processing, as well as he is an author of books and books’ chapters. Dr Verma has honours and awards for scientific achievements, he was a participant, invited speaker, Programme and Editorial committee member of conferences in more than 20 countries, including USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, Sweden, etc.
On March 26 and 30, online lectures of professor Aliaksandr Puptsau (Lithuania) will be continued in the course “Algorithmic Means of Computer Graphics”. Professor of European Humanities University (Lithuania) with more than 20 years academic experience in Computer Science and more than 35 years research experience, author of more than 100 scientific papers and more than 20 scientific and teaching books.
The study course is aimed to examine the basic algorithms used in a three-dimensional (3D) vector graphics, to introduce theoretically and practically with the methods, algorithms and special techniques of flat and three-dimensional (3D) graphical objects, as well as to acquaint with graphics libraries such as OpenGL.
On March 26, online lectures of quest lecturer Berdymyrat Ovezmyradov (Turkmenistan) will be continued in the course “Warehouse logistics” for students of Faculty of Transport and Logistics. Dr. Ovezmyradov has got PhD degree in Policy and Planning Sciences in University of Tsukuba (Japan), has got master’s degree in Science, Management of Trade and Technology in Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences in Germany. He is a specialist in supply chain management, industrial engineering and transport planning, he has teaching experience in universities in Turkmenistan and Japan.
Foreign lecturers are invited to cooperate with Transport and Telecommunication Institute in the frame of the European Union Social Fund project “Strengthening Transport and Telecommunication Institute Academic Staff in the Areas of Strategic Specialisation” (No
More information about TSI guest professors you can find here.
The total cost of the project is 676,083.35 euros, of which the European Social Fund supports 574,670.85 euros (85%), and the state budget amounts to 101,412.50 euros (15%).