Поздравляем всех преподавателей с Днем учителя!

Желаем всегда сохранять блеск в глазах, любовь к работе, находить вдохновение и делиться им со своими учениками! Пусть этот праздник будет счастливым, а весь учебный год богат на положительные эмоции!

В TSI избраны доценты!

Поздравляем коллег с избранием на академическую должность доцента Факультета инженерных наук: Ph.D Ilya Jackson Dr.sc.ing. Sergejs Šarkovskis Dr.sc.ing. Sergey Yunusov Dr.sc.ing. Igors Radčenko Желаем успехов в дальнейшей работе!

Guest Lectures Already This Week!

Already this week, the Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) will host the first guest lectures this study year! Guest lectures will be led by our partners from Accenture Latvia and Havas Latvia! Guest lecture: Get acquainted with the IT industryCompany: Accenture LatviaDate: 21/09/2020Time: 12:00 — 13:30Language of the lecture: English Accenture is an international management […]

Greetings to students!

Last week, the Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) in a positive atmosphere welcomed and greeted freshmen. TSI would like to thank everyone who came and wish everyone to achieve their goals, find inspiration and discover new horizons! NEW!Starting from September 21, for a week, Hell Week will take place — a hell of an exciting […]

TSI Study Programs in Management are Highly Appreciated!

On September 2, at the meeting of the Study Quality Committee of the Academic Information Center (AIC), a decision was made on the accreditation of the study direction “Management, Administration and Real Estate Management” for the period of 6 years. TSI was one of the first higher education institutions to conclude an agreement with the […]

TSI Takes Care of Student Safety!

Transport and Telecommunications Institute (TSI) in the new study year, lectures are held both at TSI and remotely. In the first week, 193 lectures have already been given at TSI and 7 lectures in remote mode. When organizing studies at TSI the special epidemiological safety measures to be taken: Internal rules have been developed to limit the […]

TSI Robotics Club Successful Start in the New Robotics Season!

On September 5, the team of TsI Robotics Club participated in the Latvian Robotics Championship in the 1st stage of the competition, which took place within the framework of the technology and innovation festival «Mehatrons» in Jelgava. This year, 80 larger and smaller robots participated in the robotics championship and showed their mastership in Sumo, […]

New Study Year | Where? When? What time?

Dear students of the Transport and Telecommunications Institute (TSI)! Greetings and to you all on the beginning g of the New Study year!We wish you success and new achievements in the study year 2020/2021! We invite freshmen to the first meeting:11/09/2020 10:00 | 1st year full-time bachelor students12/09/2020.9:30   | 1st year part-time bachelor students12/09/2020 10:30 […]

Только до 06/09 специальное предложение на обучение в Даугавпилсе!

Латгальский филиал TSI в Даугавпилсе приглашает подать заявку на обучение по выгодной цене — от 390 евро в семестр*, только до 06/09/2020!— Назови пароль Приемной комиссии: TSI — ЛУЧШИЙ ВЫБОР— и получи 100 евро скидку на первый семестр обучения! Преимущества обучения в Латгальском филиале TSI— Гибкий график— Дружественная цена— Преподаватели — профессионалы в своей области— Учебу удобно совмещать с […]

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