Klientu apmierinātības un attieksmju pētījums

Период: 01.06.2024
- 31.08.2024


Ассоц. Профессор 

Dr. sc. ing.
Эвелина Будилович
Факультет транспорта и управления

Current position – Assistant professor

Experience – more than 15 years of experience in transport planning and simulation in the Riga municipality, more than 1 year in academic and research as assistant of professor and lecture in TSI Certified specialist in using EMME software (traffic flow simulation.

Membership Member of the Latvian Simulation and Modelling Society, Association “WOMEN IN TRANSPORT”

Teaching activity – Geography of Transport Systems (4ECTS, master level), Decision Making Methodologies (2ECTS, master level), Sustainable Transport Interchanges (6ECTS, master level)

Publication activity – Author/co-author of 11 research publications in journals and conference proceedings (indexed in SCOPUS/WoS).

Projects – for the last years participated in more than 2 international projects (Horizon2020, INTERREG): ALLIANCE project (https://alliance-project.eu/) – participant, SUMBA (https://sumba.eu/) – project coordinator

Supervised theses – 2 master level thesis supervision with successful defence

Research fields/domains – simulation modelling, sustainable transportation, mobility

Awards – ALLIANCE PROJECT. Scientific Excellence Award 2018

Motto – Don’t give up

Pēc AS “Rīgas starptautiskā autoosta” pasūtījuma AS “Transporta un sakaru institūts” organizēja un veica “Klientu apmierinātības un attieksmju pētījumu”. Šis projekts sevi ietvēra sekojošas aktivitātes:

  • pētījuma metodoloģijas un lauka darba instrumentārija sagatavošanu;
  • kvantitatīvas aptaujas veikšanu ar tiešo interviju metodi AS “Rīgas starptautiskā autoosta” apmeklētāju vidū;
  • datu apstrādi un rezultātu analīzi.

Ar pētījuma rezultātiem var iepazīstināties:
AS “Rīgas starptautiskā autoosta” mājas lapā https://www.autoosta.lv/autoostas-klientu-aptaujas-2024-rezultati/

Izpildītāja: E.Budiloviča

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