Design of the concept of innovative development of the enterprise

The first part is devoted to theoretical considerations about the theory of innovation, the innovation process as a company's continuous innovative development.In the second part, it is described that vegetable cultivation is important in the agricultural sector, the main players in the market, both in the agricultural sector and in the vegetable processing markets, and the economic factors are analyzed.The third part describes the way the company operates, growing and selling vegetables, the idea and establishment of the company. What investments are needed to achieve better productivity and improve product quality.In the fourth part, the company's development plan regarding innovative developments in lyophilization, the development of management decision-making criteria, the description of the proposed company's development scenarios and the compilation, justification of the project budget, the opinion of consumers, are developed. Evaluation of the results obtained as a result of the implementation of the new concept.Practical value - the main task of developing the company's development strategy is to become an example for placing the company in a leading position and increasing productivity.

Author: Irina Judina

Supervisor: Oksana Skorobogatova

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Business and Management


Improving Employee Motivation System within the Hotel Industry.

The motivation of employees in the hotel industry plays a pivotal role in achieving operational success. This bachelor's project aims to analyze the current motivation system in one of the Wellton Hotels establishments, with the goal of developing recommendations for its enhancement in accordance with motivation theory. The first chapter discusses various theories and mechanisms of motivation, providing a theoretical framework for understanding employee motivation systems. The second chapter offers a deep analysis of motivation systems employed in Wellton Hotels, evaluating their effectiveness and proposing improvements based on the findings. Through theoretical analysis, empirical research, and surveys, the author of the study recommends improving motivational programs and employee satisfaction levels, offering specific practical recommendations to enhance the motivational environment and improve overall service quality.

Author: Karina Kostina

Supervisor: Ishgalei Ishmuhametov

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Comparative Analysis of Higher Education in Latvia, Estonia and Finland

The bachelor thesis consists of 4 chapters, the aim of which is to conduct a comparative analysis of the Latvian, Estonian and Finnish case studies by exploring and selecting criteria for the evaluation of higher education.The first chapter will help to understand the quality aspects of higher education in Latvia, Estonia and Finland, as well as to get basic information about the number of students, universities in the selected countries.The second chapter of the thesis aims at exploring and defining the criteria for the evaluation of higher education in order to provide an objective assessment of the quality of higher education.The third chapter is devoted to collecting information on selected evaluation criteria for higher education in Latvia, Estonia and Finland. It will describe indicators such as: curricula relevance to the Bologna Process, presence of international students, employment rate of graduates, international reputation and university rankings, access to higher education.The last chapter of the thesis focuses on the comparative analysis of the selected evaluation criteria, which emerges from the information described in the third chapter of the thesis.

Author: Samanta Kuzņecova

Supervisor: Veronika Siliņeviča

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Business and Management


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