Website Development for Advertisements for Rental and Sale of Real Estate

The purpose of the work is to develop a website for real estate agents and potential buyers, with the ability to publish advertisements for rental and sale of various properties. The objective of the work is to show the knowledge and skills that were acquired through the studies in the TTI (Transport and Telecommunication Institute).In this work were used the following methods:1. Analyzation of the subject area Real Estate;2. Analyzation of existing analogs;3. Design and development of data base, data access, business service, client, and server parts of the web application;4. Quality control.As the result of the work were made the web application for real estate agents and potential buyers was made, where the users can read the description, upload, modify and delete the advertisements. Was created the authentication on the website. Was created the data base of the website to store all of the information about advertisements and users.As the conclusion of the work all of the functional requirements for the website were made, full development cycle of the project was utilized and all of the errors that were raised during the work were fixed.

Author: Aleks Eglītis

Supervisor: Karina Kostjkina

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Computer Science


Drone manipulator optimization and integration in affordable quadcopter

This paper explores the development of a drone-attachable manipulator designed to perform construction and maintenance tasks, moving beyond the traditional use of UAVs for monitoring. Our primary objective is to design a manipulator capable of lifting objects weighing up to 300 grams, adhering to principles of low cost, ease of manufacturing, and high quality. We begin with a literature review of UAV types and their suitability for integration with manipulators. The design process involves creating multiple manipulator prototypes using Solidworks for simulations to gather data on performance and structural integrity.Static stress and displacement analyses are conducted to identify areas of high stress and potential deformation. Initial designs demonstrate that the static force required to hold a 300-gram object exceeds the capabilities of our prototypes. The final manipulator design is tested for its lifting capabilities and operational limitations. Re The study concludes with an evaluation of the design process, limitations, and potential for future applications of UAV-integrated manipulators in infrastructure construction and maintenance

Author: Arvis Maiželis

Supervisor: Adham Ahmed Awad Elsayed Elmenshawy

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Aviation Engineering


Design of the concept of innovative development of the enterprise

The first part is devoted to theoretical considerations about the theory of innovation, the innovation process as a company's continuous innovative development.In the second part, it is described that vegetable cultivation is important in the agricultural sector, the main players in the market, both in the agricultural sector and in the vegetable processing markets, and the economic factors are analyzed.The third part describes the way the company operates, growing and selling vegetables, the idea and establishment of the company. What investments are needed to achieve better productivity and improve product quality.In the fourth part, the company's development plan regarding innovative developments in lyophilization, the development of management decision-making criteria, the description of the proposed company's development scenarios and the compilation, justification of the project budget, the opinion of consumers, are developed. Evaluation of the results obtained as a result of the implementation of the new concept.Practical value - the main task of developing the company's development strategy is to become an example for placing the company in a leading position and increasing productivity.

Author: Irina Judina

Supervisor: Oksana Skorobogatova

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Business and Management


Improving the efficiency of the company's transport department

Aim of the paper: to investigate the possibilities of improving the efficiency of the transport department of a company.Objectives:1. to select and summarise available statistical data on the Latvian transport sector;2. to review the concept of logistics, to identify the main logistics activities, to explain the specifics of the logistics approach to the organisation of transport processes; 3. to carry out a study on the organisational and economic activity of the company "SAVITRA" Ltd;4. collect information on the company's fleet of trucks;5. analyse the efficiency of the technical operation of the company's transport department;6. develop measures to increase the efficiency of the company's transport department.SAVITRA Ltd specialises in freight transport and provides quality services to customers in several European countries.In the first chapter the statistical data on the transport and storage sector were considered; in the second chapter the analysis of the activity of "SAVITRA" Ltd. was carried out; in the third chapter the improvement of the operational efficiency of the transport department of "SAVITRA" Ltd. by the purchase of a new lorry was developed.

Author: Iļja Greidāns

Supervisor: Aleksandrs Medvedevs

Degree: Professional Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Application of machine learning in decision support system

The aim of the work is to improve the accuracy of predicting wait times in an existing queue management system using machine learning. Client-provided data was analyzed, and models were trained using various machine learning algorithms. Performance measures of the models were collected, and the best one was selected. Additionally, software and a database were developed to manage the training process and evaluate the quality of the models. The quality of the software was assessed using industry-standard methodologies and tested.

Author: Jevgēnijs Nikolajevs

Supervisor: Jeļena Kijonoka

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Computer Science


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