Development of a Cryptocurrency Trading Bot using AWS
Cloud Solutions

This bachelor thesis focuses on developing an automated trading bot for the cryptocurrency market. The goal is to create a cryptocurrency trading bot using of the Mean Reversion strategy and implement Cloud Solutions and Binance crypto exchange support.The process of development included establishing AWS infrastructure, such as EC2 instances, API Gateway, and Nginx, for hosting the bot. The bot's design is made up of separate modules that can be easily expanded allowing for adding the support of other crypto exchanges. As the result, the bot uses mean reversion algorithm on user chosen trading pairs, and places the order to sell or buy according to the algorithm decision. Moreover, it uses Binance API to access and manage user's cryptocurrencies.The bot was successfully tested in a real trading environment and proved to increase initial capital and manage risks. This thesis showcases the possibilities of combining

Author: Ēriks Mašinskis

Supervisor: Karina Kostjkina

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Computer Science


Development of a centralised web application for animal shelters

The project is dedicated to the development of a centralized web application that unifies animal shelters in Latvia into a single platform.The goal of the project is to develop a fully functional and scalable product that optimizes the adoption process and improves shelter management.To achieve this goal, requirements analysis, architecture and database design, as well as frontend and backend development were carried out. An administration panel was implemented, expandability was ensured, and system testing and version control were performed.As a result, a stable, secure, and extendable web application was developed, enabling efficient adoption process management and allowing for further development and integration with other systems.

Author: Ņikita Badikovs

Supervisor: Olga Dribeņeca

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2025

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Computer Science


Flight controller for multicopter UAV.

Bachelor work „Flight controller for multicopter UAVs”. Author of the paper: ŅikitaKrasohins. Scientific supervisor: Dr. sc. ing., profesor Medvedevs Aleksandrs.Paper for obtaining the degree „Aviation Engineering”: 59 pp., 11 img., 6 tabl., 11 ref., 2 app.This diploma work tells about the importance of flight monitoring, as a rule in the controlsystem, about flight algorithms, flight modes, and UAV systems. This work is topical, since it solves the main problem in theautomation of the flight process since the issue of automation is a sharp kind of rapiddevelopment of the industry of unmanned aerial vehicles. Secondly, the study of this topic beganmore than three years ago, including how to design the elements of an unmanned aerial vehicle,work with radio communication and the transmission of video signals over long distances,calculation of electrical circuits, programming, and practical testing of results. Thirdly, the topicof this work is a promising direction in the development of logistics networks and research invarious fields and also has great practical importance in the work of state structures. The mainresult achieved after this study is to improve the safety of UAV flights and improve theirautomation level.

Author: Ņikita Krasohins

Supervisor: Aleksandrs Medvedevs

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2025

Work Language: English

Study programme: Aviation Engineering


Autonomous technologies in freight transportation and prospects for replacing drivers with autopilots

The thesis includes a literature review on autonomous freight transportation and its key components. The paper analyzes the experience of testing and operating autonomous trucks in different regions and assesses their impact on the labor market, including the reduced demand for drivers and the emergence of new professions. Safety aspects and economic impacts of autopilot deployment, such as reduced traffic accidents, are considered. As part of the study, a survey was conducted among logistics industry employees to understand professionals opinions on the development of this field. The costs of implementing autonomous freight transportation were also assessed.

Author: Ņikita Ogņevs

Supervisor: Genadijs Gromovs

Degree: Professional Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Digital Мarketing Аctivities for the Car Selling Platform

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to identify digital marketing activities for an online car-selling platform. Activities will be developed through a potential customer survey, industry best practices comparison, and industry trend identification via start-up analysis, ultimately leading to the formulation of recommendations for marketing managers of car online marketplaces in Europe.Suggestions for the implementation of a digital marketing program on an online car-selling platform, developed by the author of this bachelor's thesis, are aimed at attracting new customers, increasing activity on the platform, and improving performance. The practical significance of this study is to provide small business owners with valuable insights into the effective use of digital marketing. The findings of the study can be useful for small and large business owners to develop effective advertising strategies and improve their financial performance.

Author: Ņikita Siskovs

Supervisor: Olga Zervina

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


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