Scholarships for foreign students

Up until April 1st of 2020 foreign students are welcome to apply for Latvian state scholarship for studies in our country in 2020/2021 academic year. The amount of the Latvian state scholarship for studies is: for bachelor’s and master’s students – 500 EUR per month; for PhD students – 670 EUR per month. The scholarship […]

TSI Student & Alumni — Meet & Greet — Event Agenda!

Dear students and alumni, We invite you to celebrate together TSI Student and Alumni Day in Riga and Daugavpils – TSI Latgalian branch! TSI Student and Alumni Day — it’s a great opportunity to meet your current and former study members and professors in a festive atmosphere outside the studies, to share your achievements or just good […]

Students’ Self-Government Elections 2020

Dear student! Wish to change social life in the Institute for the better? Ready to share ideas and work in a team of open-minded and positive students? Maybe YOU are the one we are waiting for! The applications call for candidats to the Self-Government is opened. Apply  today and start to make the world a […]

Lectures in Airport management from quest professor Romano Pagliari

From January 31 till February 2 at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) will be guest lectures in airport management led by lecturer Romano Pagliari from United Kingdom. Dr Pagliari is a Senior lecturer in Air Transport in Cranfield University, author of various scientific projects and studies in the field of airport management, transport economics and planning, as well as airline […]

TSI is visited by the Minister for Transport

On January 30th of 2020 Minister for Transport of Latvian Republic Talis Linkaits visited Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI). He get acquainted with the infrastructure of TSI, with the main results of its work, especially with TSI’s achievements in consulting and research in the field of transport and logistics. The Minister took a tour of […]

TSI Student and Alumni Day 2020

I Love TSI

On January 25 of 2020 Student and Alumni Day celebrations was held at Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI). It was a first event of this kind. Current students, alumni and lecturers gathered all together and it was a chance to meet everyone, make new acquaintances, share accomplishments and good news, and have a great time. […]

Be the Shadow for our specialists!

On 12 February 2020, the Shadow Day will take place at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute. If you are passionate about science, management, aviation and robotics, apply for your chosen Shadow and spend the day exploring and exciting! You will have a great opportunity to see how our specialists spend their daily live in a […]

Thinking about the future: Aviation Industry

On January 10, the Transport and Telecommunication Institute signed a cooperation agreement with The Latvian Aviation Association, the Riga Aeronautical Institute and the Riga Technical University where the parties agreed to promote the development of innovative Latvian aviation research and opinion leadership within European aviation and organize an annual scientific conference on aviation. The first […]

Not only students learn!

Last weekend, at the Institute of Transport and Telecommunication hosted a training course on Effective Management, participants of the course were company executives Last weekend, at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute, a course on Effective Management was held. Participants of the course were company executives from SIA Industrial Solution Group and SAS VILANDRA Latvija. The training course is designed for those who want […]

TSI Winter Intake

The Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) announces winter enrollment from December 2 — in Bachelor, Master, Doctoral and Distance Learning study programmes: Bachelor’s degree programmes Computer Science Management Transport and Business Logistics Aviation Transport Master’s degree programmes Computer Science Information Systems Management Management Transport and Logistics Doctoral degree programme Telematics and Logistics Distance Learning study […]

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