Подача заявок на обучение в Латгальский филиал TSI | В Даугавпилсе

Латгальский филиал TSI в Даугавпилсе приглашает подать заявку на обучение по выгодной цене — от 490 евро в семестр! Филиал предлагает самые востребованные учебные программы в области — Компьютерные науки и Логистика на транспорте и в бизнесе! Учебу удобно совмещать с работой, хобби и семьей, так как лекции проходят три дня подряд в месяц! Дополнительные преимущества обучения в […]

3 Grants from Robologic GmbH for Studies in Robotics

Great news for anyone who wants to connect their lives with robotics and build a career in high-technology!Like last year, Robologic GmbH provides 3 grants for studies in the professional bachelor study program Robotics, in the amount of EUR 36 450. The grant fully covers the tuition fee and guarantees job at company Robologic GmbH. […]

Our Greetings to TSI Graduates! | PHOTOS

On July 3 and 4, 2020, solemn ceremonies of diploma awarding were held at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute. Diplomas were awarded to 241 graduates from 12 countries. 31 graduates received diplomas and gifts from the Institute for special achievements during their studies, as well as for their active participation in Student Council at TSI. […]

Registrations for Intake NOW OPEN!

The Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) ADMISSION HAS BEGUN to bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral study programs for the academic year 2020/2021. TSI offers 16 STUDY PROGRAMS, in which it is possible to study full-time – in the form of day and evening, part-time — in the form of evening or module schedule, as well as distance learning. […]

Happy Midsummer!

Dear students, colleagues and friends! The Summer Solstice and Midsummer’s Eve is a time when nature is mature and we draw the greatest strength from it. TSI wish everyone gain new strength and inspiration and have a happy Midsummer! Study department working hours on holidays: 19/06/2020 8:30 – 18:3020/06/2020 8:30 – 16:00 We also remind […]

Signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the TSI and UWE

On 11 May 2020 Transport and Telecommunication Institute (“TSI”) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of the West of England (“UWE”) with the purpose of fostering between the institutions academic cooperation and exchanges and the development of double degree programmes across a range of academic areas including Computer Science and Aviation.  Transport and Telecommunication […]

Chairwomen’s Welcome Message

TSI launches a new version of the Website! We are pleased to announce the release of new version of the website of the Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI)! This new version is designed especially for future and current students, partners, lecturers and researchers. We believe that you will find it interesting and will follow our news. And we, in turn, […]

Congratulations on Successfully Defended Doctoral Dissertation!

On May 19, 2020, at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute was held a successful defense of a doctoral dissertation “NEUROEVOLUTIONARY APPROACH TO METAMODELING AND OPTIMIZATION OF INVENTORY CONTROL SYSTEMS“. Author of Scientific Work — Ilya Jackson. Scientific supervisor — Dr. sc. ing. Professor Jurij Tolujev. Transport and Telecommunication Institute from the bottom of the heart congratulates Ilya Jackson on […]

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