Title Supervisor Degree
Bachelor 2025
Faculty: Engineering Faculty

Study programme: Aviation Engineering


Flight controller for multicopter UAV.

Bachelor work „Flight controller for multicopter UAVs”. Author of the paper: ŅikitaKrasohins. Scientific supervisor: Dr. sc. ing., profesor Medvedevs Aleksandrs.Paper for obtaining the degree „Aviation Engineering”: 59 pp., 11 img., 6 tabl., 11 ref., 2 app.This diploma work tells about the importance of flight monitoring, as a rule in the controlsystem, about flight algorithms, flight modes, and UAV systems. This work is topical, since it solves the main problem in theautomation of the flight process since the issue of automation is a sharp kind of rapiddevelopment of the industry of unmanned aerial vehicles. Secondly, the study of this topic beganmore than three years ago, including how to design the elements of an unmanned aerial vehicle,work with radio communication and the transmission of video signals over long distances,calculation of electrical circuits, programming, and practical testing of results. Thirdly, the topicof this work is a promising direction in the development of logistics networks and research invarious fields and also has great practical importance in the work of state structures. The mainresult achieved after this study is to improve the safety of UAV flights and improve theirautomation level.

Author: Ņikita Krasohins

Supervisor: Aleksandrs Medvedevs

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2025

Work Language: English

Study programme: Aviation Engineering


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